Help with nonverbal girl

Yes, Buffallo, total absense of a chromosome is 100% incompatible with life.
deafdyke: Yes, Buffallo, total absense of a chromosome is 100% incompatible with life.

Actually, this is not true. Turner syndrome is the absence of an X or Y chromosome (XO, instead of XX or XY). It occurs in females, and the absence is tolerated because the X chromosome contains significantly more genetic material necessary for viability.
Turner syndrome comes with a variety of health problems that vary from case to case. Short stature and abnormal sexual development are the most noted effects. There was actually a Law and Order SVU episode about a girl with Turner's some time ago. Sorry for the off-topic add - I'm a biopsych major so this stuff is something I know off-hand.
Whoops..............*blush* Actually it is true, if you're talking about autosome disorders rather then sex chromosome disorders.
deafdyke: Yes, Buffallo, total absense of a chromosome is 100% incompatible with life.

Actually, this is not true. Turner syndrome is the absence of an X or Y chromosome (XO, instead of XX or XY). It occurs in females, and the absence is tolerated because the X chromosome contains significantly more genetic material necessary for viability.
Turner syndrome comes with a variety of health problems that vary from case to case. Short stature and abnormal sexual development are the most noted effects. There was actually a Law and Order SVU episode about a girl with Turner's some time ago. Sorry for the off-topic add - I'm a biopsych major so this stuff is something I know off-hand.

Wow, biopsych! I'm impressed. Although my focus is clinical, I loved my biopsych courses! Very interesting material, and certainly helps integrate the effects of biology and environment on the individual.
Hi there...

It sounds like a frustrating situation for both the girl and her mom. Even people who have mental retardation can get frustrated too.

I worked as a residental counselor at a group home for several years (my hubby took my weekend position and is working there now:giggle:) Anyways, it seems to be a common problem with people who have those disabilities when it comes to the weight factor. From my experience, the obese residents would eat and eat until they are told to stop. I think they dont have the capabilies to recognize the signals that were sent to their brains telling them that they are full. As for exercise, they dont have the understanding level to recognize that being obese is harmful to their health nor understand the purpose of exercise. All they seem to understand that there are people forcing them to do things that they dont want to and as a result, they can rebel. As a counselor I tried to put myself in their shoes and try to adapt to meet their needs. It can be difficult but maybe that is worth a try? Find out what Katy is interested in and use those interests to get her moving? If she likes to watch TV, maybe put a dance show on and have her do some dancing for 20 mins daily. Just an idea to get the ball rolling.

Good luck and for the mother, it seems like she is not willing to adapt easily so give her time to learn how to work with you?

Shel - exactly like her mom said! Eats and eats until she is told to stop and never full.

Dancing with a tv show is a good idea. Her mom said she eats with tv all day without school. Maybe I can find a fun tv show even if not about dancing. I know my neices liked cartoons and jump around with cartoons. I like Spongbob :Oops: . Just the starfish and squid's face makes me laugh. Maybe she will and want to jump and dance.
I agree with you... Katlin could create the bond between her and Katy.. but it takes time.... Wont hurt if Katlin tries to help Katy... therefore she has a big heart.... i applaud her for trying...

:ty: SxyPorkie. I hope we can have the bond. You are right - it will take time. :fingersx:
Interesting about Prader-will. I hadn't read about this. I know about Turner - we studied it in Biology about genetics, with Klinfelter = xxy boys. Usually they are tall and thin I think. Intersting that Turner is xo and short - I don't know about weight.

I don't know why Katy is mentally retarded. I don't think because Angelman syndrome. Her mom said Katy sometimes is angry and stubborn. Her dad is gone so maybe he is mentally retarded.
deafdyke: Yes, Buffallo, total absense of a chromosome is 100% incompatible with life.

Actually, this is not true. Turner syndrome is the absence of an X or Y chromosome (XO, instead of XX or XY). It occurs in females, and the absence is tolerated because the X chromosome contains significantly more genetic material necessary for viability.
Turner syndrome comes with a variety of health problems that vary from case to case. Short stature and abnormal sexual development are the most noted effects. There was actually a Law and Order SVU episode about a girl with Turner's some time ago. Sorry for the off-topic add - I'm a biopsych major so this stuff is something I know off-hand.

Hi, OpheliaSpeaks. What is Biosych? Seems interesting. :)

This is such a hard situation. I've been a counselor with cancer patients and they have a range of issues from mental to physical. I like to try to make things a game. Even if they only last a short time. Be prepared to change the game frequently as she starts to drift. I have two small boys, 2 and 4 years old. They do that constantly. I make picking up there toys a game and they do that. But if I ask them to clean up they wont. I think you said she has a preschool mentality. If that is the case use hand stamps and stickers as rewards for doing something. If she likes painting or coloring you can place the crayons or paint on one side of a room and the paper at the other so she has to walk more to do the activity. Just paint proof the room! You could try using a dry erase board to draw pictures to give a basic idea and then sign the word. Maybe she could learn a few of your signs. My kids love learning new signs and they love to use them all the time. I hope that some of these suggestions help or get some ideas started for you. Good luck!

Maybe preschool mentality but I don't know. She sometimes wets the pants, can't tie shoes I think, and doesn't talk but hears.

I love dry erase boards and have a BIG one in our living room and small ones in my room. Great idea! I will take a small one and try this.
You know, one of the problems with her being out of shape might be b/c she finds it boring. If she's at a special school, I'd assume that she has physical therapy. PT can be wicked boring. Especially if she has one of those " its better to teach someone to function "normally" then it is to give them a full toolbox of tools. For a lot of people, they can do whatever "normally" but it takes a lot of effort and then removes a lot of the fun.

I don't know about PT. The school has a big yard with a fence like with baseball - I don't know the word and can't use Google with the word. :dunno: They have recess in groups and teacher's aid for recess. Katy won't play and move - her mom said she just wanders off. I bet PT is boring. I know ST is so boring!

UCP, is a service organization for those with CP. There are some CPers who are severely cognitively affected, and they could hook her up with activities and communication devices and things like that.

I don't know if Katy is a CPer. My dad knows probably. I'll ask.

Oh, and Katin, she doesn't sound TOO bad on the annoyance scale. At least she's not the type who does things like hit you or ramble on in unfocused jabbering conversations. You should have been at a conference I was at this summer. There were TWO people like that. There was also a high functioning severe MR, who just acted so creepy, like staring at me and stuff like that.......

Jabbering is ok - I didn't have my HAs so I don't care! :D Hit you? And creepy staring? No thank you. How annoying. She does hug a lot and SQUEEZE me like a octopus. But she is sweet when she payed attention. And no hitting! :)
One thing you need to learn to do is to very carefully observe
her likes, and her dislikes. Use them. See if you can teach her
a few of your signs. When she signs her made up sign for
"hungry" then say, "Are you hungry?" and while you say this
sign the correct sign for hunger. If my 5 and 1/2 month old
could learn to sign milk like he did, the she can learn basic
ASL signs. Reward any attempt with a hug. Becareful though
because your desire to help and your enthusiasum can burn
you out. God Bless you for helping.
Hi, FredFam:

:ty:. I don't know if I should teach ASL signs. ASL would be SO much better than her fake signs because she could communicate with more. But I don't want to confuse her. I know how hard the switches from ASL to SEE and the struggle with learning new words - probably like learning new signs. Maybe she tried ASL and couldn't?

But I never known a mentally retarded person before. People who worked with mentally retarded kids - should I teach correct signs or use Katys? Would ASL confuse her or interfere?

Since OpehliaSpeaks hasn't had the chance to answer, I will.....biological psychology.
Since OpehliaSpeaks hasn't had the chance to answer, I will.....biological psychology.

I was confused as to why you wrote this, but then I read back and saw Kaitin's question.
Biopsych is "biological psychology"! (as jillio said) The focus is more on the study of the parts of the brain and varying chemical reactions that occur when something malfunctions or when you treat for an illness (particularly mental illness). Pharmacology (study of drugs and their interactions on the body), sociology, anatomy, and varying psychology courses are composites of my major. I was going to go to medical school and thought this would prepare me the best for psychiatric medicine. Med school is on hold and so is formal schooling (less my ASL classes) until we figure out how to work with the 60db loss I acquired in two month's time.

To answer your question about whether or not to teach her ASL or use her home signs, I say "it depends". I have worked with many, many children in special education and one thing about kids is that they are very resilient in many cases. Introducing the ASL for her home sign may or may not throw her off. We work situations like this on a case by case basis. It may take some extra time and I wouldn't expect her to pick up the ASL overnight, but introducing the sign when she identifies something she wants is not a bad idea. For example, if her sign for "bathroom" is a home sign, sign "bathroom" (ASL) when she signs it her way and then when she is finished using the bathroom too. This helps reinforce it. Does she use the PEC system at all? (pictures) We use this system with nonverbal and mostly autistic children. It doesn't work with all students though. Hmmm. Can't think of much else - Prader Willi was a good suggestion though. That is a possibility, but it may also be that she lacks stimulation in areas that interest her. Especially if her mother is not really involved.
Pharmacology (study of drugs and their interactions on the body), sociology, anatomy, and varying psychology courses are composites of my major.

This is a very interesting field to study. Although I would probably get into
arguments with profs. The same way I did when studying nutrition.
I get very irritated with professors who will not look at double blind,
placebo controlled studies if it contradicts their pet ideas or theories.
The old ostrich head stuck in the sand syndrome. sigh
I was confused as to why you wrote this, but then I read back and saw Kaitin's question.
Biopsych is "biological psychology"! (as jillio said) The focus is more on the study of the parts of the brain and varying chemical reactions that occur when something malfunctions or when you treat for an illness (particularly mental illness). Pharmacology (study of drugs and their interactions on the body), sociology, anatomy, and varying psychology courses are composites of my major. I was going to go to medical school and thought this would prepare me the best for psychiatric medicine. Med school is on hold and so is formal schooling (less my ASL classes) until we figure out how to work with the 60db loss I acquired in two month's time.

To answer your question about whether or not to teach her ASL or use her home signs, I say "it depends". I have worked with many, many children in special education and one thing about kids is that they are very resilient in many cases. Introducing the ASL for her home sign may or may not throw her off. We work situations like this on a case by case basis. It may take some extra time and I wouldn't expect her to pick up the ASL overnight, but introducing the sign when she identifies something she wants is not a bad idea. For example, if her sign for "bathroom" is a home sign, sign "bathroom" (ASL) when she signs it her way and then when she is finished using the bathroom too. This helps reinforce it. Does she use the PEC system at all? (pictures) We use this system with nonverbal and mostly autistic children. It doesn't work with all students though. Hmmm. Can't think of much else - Prader Willi was a good suggestion though. That is a possibility, but it may also be that she lacks stimulation in areas that interest her. Especially if her mother is not really involved.

Didn't mean to confuse you! Nor to step on your toes by answering your question. My field is clinical. And your answer is spot on!

I met with Katy again and we had a better experience. I asked her mom to meet with her in her house, but her mom said no. :dunno2: So I drove Katy to my parent's house - ok to her mom. We played with our Great Dane in the backyard. The Great Dane (Jut) is very lazy so he didn't run too fast. Katy never saw a huge dog like Jut and loved him. Jut doesn't mind hugs and pats - he doesn't care about anything. So we played with a big ball for him until Jut and Katy were so tired. We don't communicate really but Jut doesn't also :P so no problem.

But after I talked to my dad about Katy's mom. I think she has some mental illnesses or something - not a problem for me really, but she is confusing even with email. He agrees she is odd and will talk to her if I decide to stop with Katy. If her mom is too odd and worrying I guess we will stop.

:ty: to all for suggestions. Playing with Jut and not in the gym was 100% better. Also I didn't try much plans - just play without rules (except please don't hit Jut - although Katy isn't mean, only rough) instead of soccer, running etc. She seemed happy, but before she was happy too - just me was miserable! :P