Help lol


New Member
Jun 22, 2014
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Hi in from the uk and am looking to go on a roller coster soon I am 22 and have had my CI for 1 year and 6 months I'm not worried about not being to were my prosseser because I had done a lot of resource on that I'm worried about the force of the rides e.g g-force people have told me that it can have a affect on it and might move it a bit and mess with my hearing I just what to check first or find out if anyone has any info on this matter thanks
Hi any concerns re: roller coast riding-check with your doctor or audi. Folloow their advice.
Take off your CI and out it in a safe place such as a pocket with a zipper. If the roller coaster will go through water, put the CI in a a plastic bag first, then put it in your pocket.

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