HELP!!! 8 months old baby wont sleep!

Check with your baby's doctor and see if your son can go on homo milk.

I keep forgetting I'm in Canada and you're in USA. Homo milk here in Canada is 4% milk or whole milk in USA.

When my oldest sister couldn't afford to keep her oldest child (9 months old) at formula, her family doctor suggested to put the baby on homo milk and use formula only at night time.

Check with your doctor about this considering WIC.
Milk? :confused: Is your son breastfeeding or using baby formula? I hope it's not cow milk, because it's not appropriate for children under the age of one years old.
yes my son is exetemely sensitive to emotions. i noticed that long time ago. and phillips how do you feed a baby more when it doesnt even want the milk?

tonite it seem to go much better though hes very very cranky lol. i kinda expected that cuz hes so tired. but hey.. hes sleeping!!!!! and most important.. hes actually drinking milk!!! so thats a huge relief... i think a change in formula really caused a wreck in his body. WIC in wisc gives good start formula and thats what they are used to but in maryland they gives only similiac... thats when problems started. i decided to buy good start formula today and what a difference it made! improved but still cranky.. hopefully tomorrow hes better. also everyone said hes showing every sign of teething but theres no new "hole" in his gums yet so i am using gum numbing medication and that formula... and here he is.. sleeping :)

i had no idea how much it has affected my son with milk to be honest. wow. i m going to see wic and see if they are willing to use good start instead. if not then i would have to tell them i cannot accept their WIC and have to buy out of my pockets... that can be really expensive but baby's health and sleep and especially happiness comes first.

Ahh. Now I see the problem.
He was mad about the formula! How long have you been living at the place you live at now?

Moving and changing formula is a big change for an infant. Infants hate changes like that.

Tell your pediatrician about the formula and he can write a prescription for good start and WIC will give it to you with a Dr request.
REALLY?!? awesome!!! ill call dr tomorrow and see :) and cheri no i dont give xavier cow milk... only formula i tried different formula and that was the main problem. xavier seem to not take that new formula well. plus he may be teething so bad time too lol

and babyblue we moved here about a month ago and xavier seem to be okay with the change of place. especially after i put him on routine immediately it helps a lot now i just need to reset the routine.

i couldnt believe how exhausted i was lol. i went to bed same time as xavier tonite at 9 pm and just woke up now... i felt so much better lol and best part... xavier is STILL sleeping WOW! (im usually night owl and only needed 5 or 6 hours of sleep)
mostly first time mothers always feeding babies every hours whether times depends mom need breastfed or not.

and also mom always rocking baby to slept for naptimes

my family always rocking and feeding my younger cousins when they were baby but i fed bottle and rocking for naptimes sometimes wont nap they give to mom let rocking.
every time i put him in crib he cries and cries... wont stop. refused to drink milk... but hes not sick. hes fine in every way cuz i took him to ER and dr says hes just fine. right now as im typing this thread... he is screaming his head off and i feel sooo bad. as soon as i take him out of crib and leave him in playpen he cries too. hes only happy if im holding him but hes fighting hard against sleeping even on me. i held him for 3 hours and hes still awake and thats at 3 am... he usually goes to sleep at 10 pm wiht no problem at all. this is first time ever that im having problem putting him to sleep and im at loss. help please. both of us are miserable. i also gave him medication for whatever pain he was having... doesnt seem to work. i thought he was teething so i use that thing for his gums to help relieve the pain.. showed no difference. i "danced" with him almost all night doesnt work. im out of options. only option left is to let him cry till he fall asleep but im afraid he might cry too hard and end up coughing or throw up.

Same hereee, before he was fine but right now he kept fighting with me when I was trying put him to bed. So I end up give him the toy cars, animals stuff, some toys with him in bed so he's fine and play w those and drink the milk then he fall asleep.
and cheri no i dont give xavier cow milk... only formula i tried different formula and that was the main problem. xavier seem to not take that new formula well. plus he may be teething so bad time too lol

Oh okay, You scared me there for a moment because I never seen anyone would say milk as a way of saying formula. :lol:

i couldnt believe how exhausted i was lol. i went to bed same time as xavier tonite at 9 pm and just woke up now... i felt so much better lol and best part... xavier is STILL sleeping WOW! (im usually night owl and only needed 5 or 6 hours of sleep)

Mrs Bucket gave some great tips on sleeping and playtime schedule. Along with a routine, it'll make your task more pleasant. You'll be able to get a good night sleep yourself. :P Oh by the way ever read a book called "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer"? There's a lot of good advices in that book. :)
Mrs Bucket gave some great tips on sleeping and playtime schedule. Along with a routine, it'll make your task more pleasant. You'll be able to get a good night sleep yourself. :P Oh by the way ever read a book called "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer"? There's a lot of good advices in that book. :)

hmm no i havent... ill have to check into that. thanks :)
Same thing goes for my last son which he being fuss reason he got a sick. He can sleep w/me but not easy every waking up and to checking on my son's condition.

So far, no problem he's fine and sleep himself his own crib everyday always routines everyday.

I would put your son to take a nap in between the time he get up to the time he goes to bed at 10 pm. Like if he get up at 8 am then nap 2 pm and wake up at 4 pm. So that way it will balance or make it even amount of time of awake time. see 8 am to 2 pm that is 6 hrs of awake then nap at 2 pm and wake at 4 pm. 4 pm to 10 pm is another 6 hrs. Even out and that what I did with my son and it work well.
My son never really fussed at all unless he's feeling sick then he's soooooo fussy. I can't really help you there except to tell you maybe you should set up the routine? My son was already sleeping through the night at 8 months so I don't really know what to tell you as I never experienced the problem you're experiencing right now.
shit... WIC wont give out good start formula :( not even with dr's referral papers... instead they want me to put xavier on nutramigen lipil... im so afraid to try it cuz he reacts badly to most of similiac and lipil products. the dr said nutramigen lipil is supposed to help with vomiting, diarrhea, uncontrollable crying, and irritating rash...even sleepless nights. so i guess i have to try it soon... but im afraid to.
shit... WIC wont give out good start formula :( not even with dr's referral papers... instead they want me to put xavier on nutramigen lipil... im so afraid to try it cuz he reacts badly to most of similiac and lipil products. the dr said nutramigen lipil is supposed to help with vomiting, diarrhea, uncontrollable crying, and irritating rash...even sleepless nights. so i guess i have to try it soon... but im afraid to.

Is that Enfamil nutramigen lipil? if so, yeah it is suppose to help reduce vomiting, diarrhea, fussiness and gases too lol. Some babies just can not handle similac, but my first son could, but my second son had to go on similac isomil. You'll be fine, I'm sure. :)
I wonder did u feed a solid food already started to ur son at 6-8 months old? Probably why he is hungry just to give him a finger food, it's good for his teeth. So, he can chew mashing a soft food between his gums that way, it will make him feel better.
Is that Enfamil nutramigen lipil? if so, yeah it is suppose to help reduce vomiting, diarrhea, fussiness and gases too lol. Some babies just can not handle similac, but my first son could, but my second son had to go on similac isomil. You'll be fine, I'm sure. :)

yes thats the one... i will start him on that tomorrow and lets hope he takes it okay. only 2 days before xavier turns into 9 months old so only few months before i weans him off the formula so thats good thing i guess :)

hes already is on solid food pretty soon he will be on that more and more. he started on solid food since he was like 4 months old due to medication. in a way that helps
Am a father,,,,,with seems the child is wanting to be close to you to sleep with comfort........most babys are close to mothers and want that extra loving to be holded all the wife would let baby sleep with us and then we slowly moved to own room we me in room sleeping.....
I agree that your baby wants to be with you. It's natural for parents to sleep with their babies.

Some kids are fine sleeping by themselves and actually like their space. If babies who usually sleep well alone wan't to be with you, they are often sick.