

New Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Hey everyone, I like this forum! I have experiences with familiar forum system from cannabis.com forum. I am 100% deaf. I am a moderate cannabis user, basically toking every night. I pretty much support cannabis legalization. Anyone would like to discuss about cannabis, I would love to.

Oh yeah, I am Canadian. I graduated Ernest C. Drury in Milton, Ontario recently.

Im considering George Brown College in Toronto next fall to study cooking. I have a motivation in cooking.

Please welcome me!

Respect Cannabis.
Welcome to AllDeaf!

You'll find plenty of good topics around here to have a good discussion! :)

As for anything that is related to Cannabis - There's several threads about it in the On-Topic Debate Section.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I have no idea what is Cannabis. Can you explain to me as I am an old woman and I don't go over to the On topic debate. But maybe I will just to check it out. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
Welcome BakedKennyG

To Bebonang: Cannibus is Marijuana
Which btw, I don't smoke, but do believe it should be decriminalized.

Back in my teenage years, I got into marijuana. I stopped when I turned 18. I don't like the idea of people driving around stoned, or anything like that. But I don't think it is the government's place to put people in jail for getting stoned. It should be like alcohol, sold to people 21 and up, and not legal to drive stoned. The government just hasn't found a way to regulate and tax it, since it's so deeply permeated into our culture already. They make more money by it being illegal.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I have no idea what is Cannabis. Can you explain to me as I am an old woman and I don't go over to the On topic debate. But maybe I will just to check it out. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:

Thanks. Cannabis is the same thing as marijuana. that word marijuana is original from Mexico. So, you should know that cannabis is the most commonly used drug.
Welcome BakedKennyG

To Bebonang: Cannibus is Marijuana
Which btw, I don't smoke, but do believe it should be decriminalized.

Back in my teenage years, I got into marijuana. I stopped when I turned 18. I don't like the idea of people driving around stoned, or anything like that. But I don't think it is the government's place to put people in jail for getting stoned. It should be like alcohol, sold to people 21 and up, and not legal to drive stoned. The government just hasn't found a way to regulate and tax it, since it's so deeply permeated into our culture already. They make more money by it being illegal.

They make more money by it being illegal? How so? They have been spending and spending billions of dollars on drug wars and nothing solves.

So, legalizing it would be one of most helpful things for America's current economy issues.
Thanks. Cannabis is the same thing as marijuana. that word marijuana is original from Mexico. So, you should know that cannabis is the most commonly used drug.

I did look over at the other topic where they talked about Cannabis and now I understand that this is the new word that I am not familiar is marijuana. Oh, dear where is my brain have gone to? :roll:
Kenny: The government raids people growing and selling drugs, and seizes thier assets. Then they say that we are 'losing the war on drugs' and lobbies congress to provide more funds to 'fight' the war. Meanwhile, the shadow government ships in the drugs and puts people in jail for using thier products. They fund both sides of the war, and it's a win-win situation for them.

There have been many instances of CIA planes crashing, filled with cocaine and heroin. Several ex-drug cartel leaders have come public, and said they had to pay protection money to the CIA and when they refused, they got busted. Most of the same people who blew the whistle, later mysteriously died shortly after. Think of the government as a big mafia syndicate that makes the rules of the game, and decides when to follow them.

Marijuana would be too hard to impose a tax on, because almost anyone could grow it themselves. Instead, they label it as evil, and send you to thier prison work camps if you use it. Pot is better to them illegalized.

Just Google it man, youtube has alot of videos on it. Just beware...you might find out more than you're willing to accept.
Kenny: The government raids people growing and selling drugs, and seizes thier assets. Then they say that we are 'losing the war on drugs' and lobbies congress to provide more funds to 'fight' the war. Meanwhile, the shadow government ships in the drugs and puts people in jail for using thier products. They fund both sides of the war, and it's a win-win situation for them.

There have been many instances of CIA planes crashing, filled with cocaine and heroin. Several ex-drug cartel leaders have come public, and said they had to pay protection money to the CIA and when they refused, they got busted. Most of the same people who blew the whistle, later mysteriously died shortly after. Think of the government as a big mafia syndicate that makes the rules of the game, and decides when to follow them.

Marijuana would be too hard to impose a tax on, because almost anyone could grow it themselves. Instead, they label it as evil, and send you to thier prison work camps if you use it. Pot is better to them illegalized.

Just Google it man, youtube has alot of videos on it. Just beware...you might find out more than you're willing to accept.

Interesting. well I wouldn't know about drug war. I believe its mostly about hard drugs and stuff. Cannabis involved in a drug war would happen when the big grow crop is somewhere else.
As for taxing subject, when cannabis is legalized, the hemp would be there too. While the government set up the hemp crop, growers would have to move back far away from there. Hemp makes cannabis growing much less effective.
The government could manage to limit growing (if they want to) while they can tax marijuana somehow.
Yet, almost anyone could brew beers but they don't. They buy them for quality.
Trust me, lazy potheads would still buy marijuana for quality and time saving rather than waiting for plants to be harvested. =)
Kenny: The government raids people growing and selling drugs, and seizes thier assets. Then they say that we are 'losing the war on drugs' and lobbies congress to provide more funds to 'fight' the war. Meanwhile, the shadow government ships in the drugs and puts people in jail for using thier products. They fund both sides of the war, and it's a win-win situation for them.

There have been many instances of CIA planes crashing, filled with cocaine and heroin. Several ex-drug cartel leaders have come public, and said they had to pay protection money to the CIA and when they refused, they got busted. Most of the same people who blew the whistle, later mysteriously died shortly after. Think of the government as a big mafia syndicate that makes the rules of the game, and decides when to follow them.

Marijuana would be too hard to impose a tax on, because almost anyone could grow it themselves. Instead, they label it as evil, and send you to thier prison work camps if you use it. Pot is better to them illegalized.

Just Google it man, youtube has alot of videos on it. Just beware...you might find out more than you're willing to accept.

Interesting. well I wouldn't know about drug war. I believe its mostly about hard drugs and stuff. Cannabis involved in a drug war would happen when the big grow crop is somewhere else.
As for taxing subject, when cannabis is legalized, the hemp would be there too. While the government set up the hemp crop, growers would have to move back far away from there. Hemp makes cannabis growing much less effective.
The government could manage to limit growing (if they want to) while they can tax marijuana somehow.
Yet, almost anyone could brew beers but they don't. They buy them for quality.
Trust me, lazy potheads would still buy marijuana for quality and time saving rather than waiting for plants to be harvested. =)