

New Member
Jan 23, 2014
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My name is Jill and I'm new to this forum. I was introduced to ASL over 20 years ago, while I was still a kid. Although I am hearing and do not personally know any Deaf people, I have always been fascinated by Deaf culture and ASL. I joined this community to make new friends, both hearing and Deaf.

I am mostly self-taught in ASL, but have discovered some great video resources for teaching my children (my daughter is almost 4, my son is 2.5, and #3 is due in May), which has served as a nice refresher for my very rusty skills. I want them to grow up with an appreciation for Deaf culture, and if they grow up knowing both English and ASL, the better. :)

Hope you used sign language when your children were babies? It helps a lot for them to communicate before they can even speak.

Hope you used sign language when your children were babies? It helps a lot for them to communicate before they can even speak.

I started when my daughter was about one, since she was not talking. I debated between using "baby sign" (teaching only one sign until the child can repeat it, then moving onto the next sign) or just signing to her, and opted for just signing. My kids have only picked up a handful of signs, and prefer speaking to signing, but they are still learning. I'm hoping to be a little more consistent with #3, so she uses it a little more.
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. That is good. I hope you can teach your baby ASL to your daughter or son soon to be born when the baby is a little bit old enough to communicate with you.

It does not matter if you are communicating with the baby if hearing or deaf. I would never understand why the hearing parents refuse to sign to their deaf daughter or son. I had taught my hearing son the baby ASL and he grew up to be a ASL signer. He signed with me mostly at home instead of being out in public because he does not like people staring us signing. He would rather hide under the table or go home and not sign out in public. I don't blame him but he had to learn to ignore people who stare. That is the life of the Deaf person who had to put up with hearing people staring at us for signing. :(

I hope you enjoy reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave: