

New Member
Dec 16, 2013
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Thought I'd get around to introducing myself! I am MonaLisa, and I live in the northwest United States. I have moderately severe SNHL in my left ear, and possibly new hearing loss in my right- only the left is aided, but this Thursday we'll see what's up with the right one and if the left has changed any. I am 21, and as far as we know I've always been this way- only progressively loosing more hearing as times goes on. My hearing loss was found out at about fifteen years old (Lack of medical care in my early years), and before that we all just thought I was just a very distracted child.
Partially because of my own hearing loss, I started work as an aide for a Deaf disabled woman- and ended up working in a group home for the disabled. I also work with horses that are used for therapy riding, and I'm trying to get my CNA and go back to school. Busy busy busy! But I have been lurking this forum for too long to not make an account, so here I am! If anyone has any advice for me that would be great! Currently I am looking into affordable hearing aid(s), since my old analog is starting to not be much more than a hindrance sometimes. (The pretty purple glitter earmold helps, maybe. :lol:) I won't know anything for certain until Thursday, but the more I can learn, the better.
Hello MonaLisa,

Welcome aboard to AllDeaf! Enjoy your stay... :wave:
Are you a fellow artist based on your SN?
My HA have a glitter earmold.... multicolor though, not purple :)
Thank you all for the welcoming messages! I've been working and haven't been able to reply very fast. As for me being interested in artwork, I play around with it as a hobby- the Mona Lisa has always fascinated me, however. I also adore the movie 'Mona Lisa Smile', so there's that too- along with a quote from the movie that stuck with me.