

Jul 31, 2011
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Been a member here for awhile but never introduced myself. I am a 44 y.o. from Chambersburg, pa. Married for over 6 years and we have a beautiful 4 y.o. daughter.
Been HOH and wore a HA in left ear (right ear never worked) all my life since I was a toddler until I lost what was left of my hearing recently. I go see about getting a CI implant on Jan. 30th and I hope for the best.
I played hockey for 26 years before i retired back in 2005, moved to Chambersburg to be with my wife. I now race quads in two series full time as a hobby. I also play golf, poker tournaments (don't use deaf ppl have an advantage reading other ppls body language when they are bluffing or not? lol).
I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter, doing whatever is fun and happy. They are the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world to have them.
Looking forward to meeting new members on Alldeaf and I'm glad I found this forum as it is loaded with very very valuable and helpful information. Plus of all the members that has replied to my posts and answered my questions, big thank you!!!!!
Can you do an airborne 360 off. A jump with your quad?

Heck no, quads are twice as heavy as a dirtbike. It can be done, but I value my life a lot more than trying to do a freestyle trick that has already been done. I'm not legally insane yet. lmao
I have done crazy things all my life, but slowing down a little cuz I got a little girl i want to see grow up. Glad to see you figured out my screen name. Half of the ppl don't get it. lol