hello to all the deaf hoh and hearing in alldeaf

howdy deafman, welcome and have fun. dont know where your county is in MD, but i grew up in northern va, burbs of DC, and spent alot of time in southern MD, especially around the bay and ocean !
Northern VA? I spent about 6 months living in Alexandria last year. Also I'll be in Baltimore for July and August with my girlfriend.
hankpiece said:
Northern VA? I spent about 6 months living in Alexandria last year. Also I'll be in Baltimore for July and August with my girlfriend.
i'm about 40 miles north of baltimore . in cecil county . exit 100 off interstate 95. and are you from nj i was born in new brunzwic nj
Yes, I am born and raised in Edgewater NJ. I lived in Boston for three years and then 6months in Alexandria and 6 months in New York and now I'm back home again for a little while to relax and return to school. But my girlfriend moved to Baltimore today :tears: and so that's why I'm going there for part of the summer.
good luck in baltemore

personly i hate the place ' and its not like home ' if your driving you will go right past where im at . not alot of deaf people here and i know what you mean about all your freinds being hearing and not knowing sign. its vary diffecult. i go through the same thing. i have a brother that lives in sairsville, and alot of realitives in perth amboy . but i don't have much contact with them, anyhow if i find any deaf clubs in our area or any deaf events i'll let you know and if you find any let me know . :deaf: