Hello... I'm old but I'm new here.


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
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My name is Pat and I live in North West Indiana.

My hearing has been going gradually worse for many years now. Genetics, working construction and playing guitar in a rock band in the late 70s to early 90s pretty much did me in.

I am also a computer technician and the noise of several hundred cooling fans on our servers over the last 7 years kind of put the icing on the cake.

I found this place today while looking for some information on my phonak hearing aids.

I have been wearing them for about 4 months now and man has my life changed.

Kudos to my audiologist. :bowdown: She is one of the sound crew at our Church where I play guitar with the praise team. She finally talked me into doing something about my hearing loss.

She also turned me on to Vocational Rehabilitation Service of Indiana. If not for them, I would not have been able to get the hardware I'm wearing now. My insurance doesn't cover one penny of stuff like this.

I'll be looking around a little more later on to see what I can find here. It's good to at least know that there is a place around where people will understand my questions about my new ears.
I kind of had to chuckle when I saw this link on the left -> Marshall Amp Forum

I have a Marshall amp and completely understand the joke about them going to 11.

Here's mine along with one of my guitars. Probably a big factor in my reason for coming here.

Welcome aboard, Pat! I've been wearing a hearing aid almost all my life. Recently got a new Starkey digital hearing aid. At first the digital technology was driving me crazy whenever I played my guitar, but that's fixed now after visiting my audiologist.

Ha! MarshallForum.com is my new forum dedicated to Marshall amps. I also run a Les Paul forum at MyLesPaul.com I currently have 2 LPs (Standard and Studio) and Marshall amps (DSL50 and 2555SL).


It's good to have you here. :wave:
I knew I'd find more musicians here Alex. I guess deafness and rock music go kind of hand in hand.

I still miss my 78 LP Custom that I had for many years. I don't think I'll ever have the cash to replace it either but I'm always looking for that $50.00 garage sale 58 sunburst Standard. :drool::drool::drool:

I've been through many Gibson guitars but the only one I have now is the SG in the picture.

I also have 4 vintage Kramer guitars and 1 vintage San Dimas Charvel mutt. I am one of the admins at www.kramerforum.com/forum

The Marshall head is a 1980 MKII Lead 50 watter that I bought brand new in 1980. The cab is a JCM800 that I just about stole for $160.00 back in 88 or so.

I just recently (in the last few months) started wearing a pair of Phonak eXtra 211az BTE units.

My right ear is almost completely deaf and I thought that my left ear was ok til I tried on some demos.

Surgery has been suggested a couple times to do something with the bones inside my ear drum on the right ear.

I'm sure there is information about that procedure here somewhere but I just haven't had the time to look yet.

I'm still learning how to hear again. At least once a week I have to ask my wife... What the hell was that!?!?!?!?! :eek3: and then she tells me that it was something silly like the sump pump or our neighbors talking in the front yard.

The best thing about it is now having the ability to hear my 6 year old daughter's voice. I didn't realize how much she sings around the house. I guess she got the love for music from me.

I'm still trying to get used to playing guitar with these things in. The recording studio was a real trip. I was in there just a few days after getting them and I wound up just taking them out. I DO have the musician program on them though so it helps quite a bit but my acoustic guitar seems like it just SO loud.

I'm sure you understand.

Thanks all for the warm welcome. I'll be around from time to time.