Hello I need some help not sure really where to post this


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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So im getting a new tattoo next week, It has been something that i have wanted for a while. Its going to say love connects us in american sign lanaguage. I didnt know if there is one universal sign or if i would have to do two sperate signs. IF you could help me that would be amazing. I Thank you to all who do help me. :wave:
So im getting a new tattoo next week, It has been something that i have wanted for a while. Its going to say love connects us in american sign lanaguage. I didnt know if there is one universal sign or if i would have to do two sperate signs. IF you could help me that would be amazing. I Thank you to all who do help me. :wave:

"Love connects us" in ASL sounds really good but with a tattoo of that in ASL on one setting would be a bit hard because you'd have to have separate signs for it.

The universal sign for that would be the hand sign that says "ILY". Perhaps, You could try putting a ILY SIGN and put the sentence underneath it? Just a suggestion. :)
well i was going to spell love out. Cause i like the way it looks but than i was going to have the sign for connect under it but i dont know if that is the correct term for it. my asl is a little rusty cause my brother lives in minnesota and i live here in arizona. so its a little hard to use it.
Hmm... I'm not sure about getting a tattoo of sign language.

Since sign language is different all around the world, I'd hate for you to accidentally pick something that might offend someone else in another country. :Ohno: