Hello, I have questions


Anyway, this isn't the only forum that requests introductions.

I know at least the Jeep, Goldwing, and PGR forums request them.

I have never seen an introduction thread except here. I think I have said it before that some seem downright obcessed (sp) with the use of this introduction thread with makes no sense to me.
I have never seen an introduction thread except here. I think I have said it before that some seem downright obcessed (sp) with the use of this introduction thread with makes no sense to me.

Even if this were the only forum on the whole worldwide web that requires an introduction, this is a Deaf forum and it is Deaf cultural custom to give a introductory short history of yourself.
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There IS another forum I belong to and they DO have introduction section but it's not required.

Just because we are deaf, we are required to introduce ourselves but not hearing forums??? Aren't we supposed to be like anyone else except hear?

It is common sense to introduce yourself when you join, even if it's not in the introduction thread. When I joined here, I didn't introduce myself in the introduction thread but jumped into the topic and introduced myself instead there.