Hello, I am new here and I am glad that this is up and running


New Member
Oct 8, 2010
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I am hard of hearing and I am very glad that this is up and running because I find it difficult sometimes in the hearing world that I dont fit in because I cant hear all the time but then sometimes I can hear. A lot of people in the hearing world don't understand this and they don't understand it. Anyway, I am hard of hearing as a result of childhood abuse. My hearing has become worse over the last few years which has my diagnoses to moderate to severe hearing loss. Anyway, being in this situation can be difficult through many instances as many of you probably know. Well for now I think that this is about it so I don't overwear my welcome.
thanks again for having this website.
Welcome Depain to our group. Not sure from your description if you wear a Hearing Aid to assist in "hearing" a bit better-now. From my Cdn Hearing Society lessons " Dealing with Hearing Loss" -accept- your Hearing loss and don't bluff!.Use technology-Hearing Aids/Cochlear Implants/TTY phones/CC on TV to help yourself. Consider in due course. Good luck in your ongoing life journey.

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. If you are late deafend and need hearing aids to help you hear sounds, but maybe not be able to pick up words unless you are use to listening. I don't know how old you are but if you are adult, you might go to the audiologist near you like in Downtown or somewhere closer to your home. The audiologist will give you the hearing test and find the right hearing aid that will help you to hear plus the new earmold. I hope that help. Just explore any topic you want to find out about hearing aids.

Have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Hello. I am sorry to hear that you were an abused child.
I am hard of hearing and I am very glad that this is up and running because I find it difficult sometimes in the hearing world that I dont fit in because I cant hear all the time but then sometimes I can hear. A lot of people in the hearing world don't understand this and they don't understand it. Anyway, I am hard of hearing as a result of childhood abuse. My hearing has become worse over the last few years which has my diagnoses to moderate to severe hearing loss. Anyway, being in this situation can be difficult through many instances as many of you probably know. Well for now I think that this is about it so I don't overwear my welcome.
thanks again for having this website.

welcome to AD!
I'm at that level right now but it's all stable lol
if U hadn't had hearing aids, you should try one!
I have Oticon Gaias but I'm switching to Epoqs or Safaris next year since my old Siemens are dead
wanna know how I lost my hearing? no one knows so I'm a giant mystery....... spooky huh?
BTW Oticons and Phonak are the best in the game though to keep in mind!
talk to me if U wanna know the techie specs of the newer models nowadays!

I am recently hoh about 4 years ago and I totally understand when you say you don't feel like you fit in the hearing world. I avoided phone conversations with majority of people because I couldn't hear what they said. Sometimes I would say uhh huh when I was supposed to actually give an answer. Hearing people seem to get agitated when you ask them to repeat what they just said or if your trying to read their lips which is something I haven't mastered I tend to mouth what they are saying and they think I am mocking them. I just started ASL classes and found this site, and I really am starting to feel like I belong. I know I am HA not deaf or CI but I am better understood. Best of luck and if you get hearing aids then I agree with the person above, I really love my Oticon. I have the Dual mini but I should of gone with the Oticon Dual like they suggested because you can use connect (blue tooth connection to tv and landline phone) which would of been nicer. Hope you enjoy it here I am new too.

I am recently hoh about 4 years ago and I totally understand when you say you don't feel like you fit in the hearing world. I avoided phone conversations with majority of people because I couldn't hear what they said. Sometimes I would say uhh huh when I was supposed to actually give an answer. Hearing people seem to get agitated when you ask them to repeat what they just said or if your trying to read their lips which is something I haven't mastered I tend to mouth what they are saying and they think I am mocking them. I just started ASL classes and found this site, and I really am starting to feel like I belong. I know I am HA not deaf or CI but I am better understood. Best of luck and if you get hearing aids then I agree with the person above, I really love my Oticon. I have the Dual mini but I should of gone with the Oticon Dual like they suggested because you can use connect (blue tooth connection to tv and landline phone) which would of been nicer. Hope you enjoy it here I am new too.

LOL I wear Oticons like you do!
mine are Oticon Gaias (digital) but I'm about to switch to Safaris or Epoqs really soon since my current ones is 5 yrs old and the backup sets is already dead now :D
been using Oticon since January 2005
I like my Oticons but very expensive $2800 and am so glad insurance covered it. They wanted to give me Oticon Dual and I should of but I didn't want big I was embarrassed to wear them. I have Dual Mini smaller and same as Dual which is RITE and no one see's it. I like the Safari because of the color and design you can pick... how cool is that.
I like my Oticons but very expensive $2800 and am so glad insurance covered it. They wanted to give me Oticon Dual and I should of but I didn't want big I was embarrassed to wear them. I have Dual Mini smaller and same as Dual which is RITE and no one see's it. I like the Safari because of the color and design you can pick... how cool is that.

LOL yeah, that's why I'm gonna go for that next year ROFL!!!
U know, beige is so last season :)
but I'm getting purple!