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New Member
Dec 5, 2013
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Hello, I'm John.

I'm 34 and have been HH for as long as I can remember.

I came by this site because I'm just now getting hearing aids and while googling information about hearing aids, DAI devices and the like, I keep getting hits for this site. So I started reading around and looking and really liked what I saw so I thought I would join up.

I suppose I could start with who I am.

I'm John.

Ahahah ahhahaha see what I did there? ...ah...I'm clever.


I've been HH and have had tinitus for as long as I can remember. I recently was approved (after a 2 year struggle) to get hearing aids and am very excited about it.

When I was in primary school I wasn't allowed to sign, I was told that it was 'enabling' me not to be “normal”, it went so far as to having my hands tied so that I couldn't sign. Eventually I learned to read lips, (I just now learned that the proper term is speechreading) and am so proficient in it that most people don't know that I can't hear them.

Growing up I wasn't allowed to use the captions on the tv because my parents find it annoying, unhelpful and say that they can't watch the movie/tv over them. So I read a lot. I still am in that habit, though I have a tv with captions I still don't turn them on because of conditioning.

I'm currently gainfully unemployed though am looking for work. What do I do you ask? Well...I've done a myriad of different jobs over the years: I was a CNA, cook, programmer, network administrator, truck driver, martial arts instructor, bouncer, security guard, fork lift operator, clamp truck operator, chicken factory worker, turkey factory worker, shoe factory worker, lamp factory worker, a hooker (...I put hooks on lures ….you pervs...) and many many other odd jobs.

I'm of the mindset that, too many people live to work instead of work to live and I refuse to be like that. I want to find out what I want to do first. If I never find out...no big deal. At least I'll have an interesting life and lots of experiences under my belt, right?

I'm really horrible when it comes to introducing myself...so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Wow, you had a lot of jobs in the past. You must be a hard worker.

When I was in primary school I wasn't allowed to sign, I was told that it was 'enabling' me not to be “normal, it went so far as to having my hands tied so that I couldn't sign.
That's disgusting for them to say that. BTW, do you sign freely now?

Wow, you had a lot of jobs in the past. You must be a hard worker.
Very true! I'm more of a "work smarter not harder" kind of guy. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy working...it's just that over the years my body has started to give out and the more physically demanding jobs become more and more difficult. ...oh....oh god....OH GOD I'M GETTING OLD!

*sobs quietly to self*

That's disgusting for them to say that. BTW, do you sign freely now?
Nah, not really. Everyone around me poke fun of my signing, people in public gawk and laugh or imitate etc... I just have become embarrassed over the years I speak and speechread well enough so it's not too much of an issue at all.
I'm 36 myself. I get the part about growing old. It's harder to move around now than before.

I'm impressed with myriads of jobs you had. I wish I had the talent you had.

I'm profoundly deaf myself. Like CrazyPaul, I'm wondering how you're with ASL. It's great to have more male here on Alldeaf. I laugh at your hooker statement. I know you'll enjoy my posts just like I enjoy yours.

Welcome to AllDeaf. I, too, get the part about growing old, even though I'm 30, I've already been through a lot more than most people could ever imagine. However, I refuse to let that stop me, as I'm still going strong, and in fact, I just carried 12 bottles of soda home not too long ago, so yeah, still strong, but my R elbow says otherwise.
Hi ya dereksbicycles!

I'm 36 myself. I get the part about growing old. It's harder to move around now than before.
I know exactly what you mean. I pop and creek more and more. I'm waiting for the day that we can put our brains into immortal, laser shooting, flying robot bodies...that's gonna be awesome!

I'm impressed with myriads of jobs you had. I wish I had the talent you had.
Why thank you sir! Though, I'm not talented at all lol. I'm just a 'fake it til you make it' sort of guy. I've been lucky, I'm a very fast study and generally know what employers want and need to hear during the interview process.

...Also I start the interviews off by giving them the names of their spouse and children, their home address, maybe some photos and then just stare at them unblinkingly until they ask me when I can start.

I'm profoundly deaf myself.
I've never considered myself Deaf, though I do dislike the term "hard of hearing" ...it makes my teeth wiggle. ....I also wear glasses but I'm not "hard of seeing" ...I'm fat too...yet I'm not "hard of working out" ....I prefer the term hearing impaired. It's far more accurate.

My hearing is -70 left and -90 right, I've been told that unless it's -100 both then I'm not 'deaf'.

Like CrazyPaul, I'm wondering how you're with ASL.
I used to sign DGS (Deutsche Gebärdensprache) which is German sign. But I don't sign because I'm embarrassed of it so I've forgotten it. I'm slowly getting out of that mindset and wouldn't mind learning ASL.

I laugh at your hooker statement. I know you'll enjoy my posts just like I enjoy yours.
Oh...you should have seen the joy in my father's face when I came prancing home one day in my daisy dukes and announced with a flourished and glitter covered hand that I was now a hooker. Ah....good times.
Hello, I'm John.

I'm 34 and have been HH for as long as I can remember.

I came by this site because I'm just now getting hearing aids and while googling information about hearing aids, DAI devices and the like, I keep getting hits for this site. So I started reading around and looking and really liked what I saw so I thought I would join up.

I suppose I could start with who I am.

I'm John.

Ahahah ahhahaha see what I did there? ...ah...I'm clever.


I've been HH and have had tinitus for as long as I can remember. I recently was approved (after a 2 year struggle) to get hearing aids and am very excited about it.

When I was in primary school I wasn't allowed to sign, I was told that it was 'enabling' me not to be “normal”, it went so far as to having my hands tied so that I couldn't sign. Eventually I learned to read lips, (I just now learned that the proper term is speechreading) and am so proficient in it that most people don't know that I can't hear them.

Growing up I wasn't allowed to use the captions on the tv because my parents find it annoying, unhelpful and say that they can't watch the movie/tv over them. So I read a lot. I still am in that habit, though I have a tv with captions I still don't turn them on because of conditioning.

I'm currently gainfully unemployed though am looking for work. What do I do you ask? Well...I've done a myriad of different jobs over the years: I was a CNA, cook, programmer, network administrator, truck driver, martial arts instructor, bouncer, security guard, fork lift operator, clamp truck operator, chicken factory worker, turkey factory worker, shoe factory worker, lamp factory worker, a hooker (...I put hooks on lures ….you pervs...) and many many other odd jobs.

I'm of the mindset that, too many people live to work instead of work to live and I refuse to be like that. I want to find out what I want to do first. If I never find out...no big deal. At least I'll have an interesting life and lots of experiences under my belt, right?

I'm really horrible when it comes to introducing myself...so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I think you did a very good job of introducing yourself , and I like your sense
humor. I think that was a bummer your parents would not let you use CC on TV , that was rather selfish of them I think.
Welcome to AllDeaf. I, too, get the part about growing old, even though I'm 30, I've already been through a lot more than most people could ever imagine. However, I refuse to let that stop me, as I'm still going strong, and in fact, I just carried 12 bottles of soda home not too long ago, so yeah, still strong, but my R elbow says otherwise.

I know what you mean, I have gone to the gym several times over the years but I remember myself back when I was 18...in my mind I can still bench 350 and legpress 1200...in reality I nearly black out when I tie my shoes...

I get upset because "the weights are broken" and just go home, then a couple years later I'll do it all again. it's a vicious cycle. I should really look at myself in the mirror and realize that I'm old....er.

.....brb, signing up for AARP

*sobs uncontrollably to self*
I think you did a very good job of introducing yourself , and I like your sense
humor. I think that was a bummer your parents would not let you use CC on TV , that was rather selfish of them I think.

Hi ya What! Ah, I used to feel all sorts of anger and was filled with hate about my upbringing, the abuses and injustices and lack any sense of belonging or want...but then I did some growing and learning and now...I just pity them.

My family is quite unique. Of course I'm using the ancient Greek definition of unique (likely to appear on COPS and after getting released going on Springer the next day).

I've started to write a book on it but I'm a lazy git. I can find a billion excuses in the world to 'not' do something.

I'm very lucky now, when I watch movies there are quite a few very thoughtful people over at subscene.com that makes subtitles and captions (what is the difference?) so I can watch everything with captions.

Speaking of captions (or subtitles...) have you tried using YouTube's CC?

I tried using it once.


I was convinced that Downton Abby was a prison show for weeks. I think they just slam a basketball on a keyboard for a half hour and say "meh...close enough".