Hello From Wv


May 5, 2016
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Hi, just found I need hearing aids for both ears. I'm back in college after a long time seeking a certificate in CAD (computer aided design), am married and hope to find an internship for the summer.

I also struggle with depression, anxiety and ADHD; dizziness/balance issues; tremors; and have Crohn's disease. All that is basically why I haven't worked for many years. I decided to get help with the mental issues last Sept. and those meds are helping me be able to go back to school.

And now the hearing issues...I've had tinnitus for several years but last year's hearing test just showed a small loss of high frequencies, not a candidate for HA. But I noticed my hearing and tinnitus have gotten worse the last few months, and starting to need the CC, so I just got re-tested 2 wks ago.

Anyway, when I'm not in class or studying I'm usually knitting or crocheting or occasionally needle felting or making jewelry. I'm a cat lover, but ours have all passed. I'm into sci-fi like Star Trek and Doctor Who; favorite color is TARDIS blue. :)