Hello from Virginia


New Member
Feb 1, 2006
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I happened upon this site a few months back and finally registered today. I've enjoyed reading the many informative posts and maybe I'll be convinced to delurk from time to time.

I'm oringally from PA, but moved to the Washington DC area to attend Gallaudet. I graduated a while back and today I'm back in school again for a Masters.

I am deaf myself and have several deaf members in my family.
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Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)...
:wave: :welcome: to alldeaf aheisey!!! I hope you are enjoying your stay on this forum, plus enjoying meeting new people. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!!!
Welcome to AD. I'm just on the other side of the Beltway from you and lived in Northern Virginia myself for a bit. Anyhow, welcome to AD and I hope you enjoy the stay :)
Do you like the DC area? i grew up in arlington, many years ago. it was great fun, but wanted to raise my kids in a slower, quieter environment.
remember...GO SKINS, we will be back next year :crazy:
good luck on your grad degree
Coming from a Gally alum, Welcome to AD! Mind my asking what graduate degree are you currently studying for and what university?