Hello from Pennsylvania!


New Member
Apr 20, 2011
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Hello everyone,
Thought I'd introduce myself. I live in PA, the city of Easton, home of Larry Holmes (boxing heavy weight champ in the 80's) and the place where the Declaration of Independence was read for the second time. OK, we're not famous, but Crayola products are made here, so were Dixie cups before they became part of a larger company. It it what it is but I love it here.

I've been reading many posts here as my company does a lot of work with the big relay service providers. I'm not here to sell or anything like that. I genuinely want to participate. But I thought it best to be upfront with the fact that I'm not just a casual user.

I myself am not deaf or hoh. But people I know are, so I'm familiar with some of the challenges of interacting. I was just reading here for a while but saw a post today about people hanging up when receiving a relay call and I found that disturbing. So I decided that I wanted to learn more and start engaging. Since I do work with the relay industry, maybe I can contribute in a positive way and not just learn.

I look forward to getting to know everyone if that's possible!

Todd Nemura
Hi Todd, and welcome.

I am a late-deafened adult; have been using hearing aids for 30 years now. So far I have not used any relay services, due to concerns about privacy and inconvenience. However, I'm just at the point of wanting to learn more about them and possibly sign up for something. At the moment I don't use a phone at all; my husband does all the calling for us. I use e-mail extensively, along with IMs and Facebook.

So welcome, and I look forward to hearing your opinions, particularly on relay-service related posts.
Thanks Beach girl. I've been learning a lot about people's concerns and privacy is top of the list. It's one thing to order a pizza but another to talk to a friend or family member. The great thing is that there are new options becoming available all the time. If today's youth are any indication, everyone will be using IM/SMS/txt for everything :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I have a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD same for TTY). It is a compact keyboard that I can read when I need to relay to the operator for communicating with hearing people. I had no problem with it. I still have it right in my office at home. Funny thing is I don't use it much now that I am relying on computer but I have not done VRS (Video Relay Service) at all. I guess I am old fashioned when they thought of having the technology like VRS. :lol: It is good that you want to be involve with us knowing how we felt about relaying on the TDD or VRS.

Thank you for sharing your view about that. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Hi Todd, my mom's family is from Easton! When I was little I saw the ladder leading up to the giant Dixie Cup and I thought there was a swimming pool in there. Easton is also where Judge Crater, who was the Jimmy Hoffa missing person's case of his day, was from.
Hi Todd, my mom's family is from Easton! When I was little I saw the ladder leading up to the giant Dixie Cup and I thought there was a swimming pool in there. Easton is also where Judge Crater, who was the Jimmy Hoffa missing person's case of his day, was from.

That's very cool. Easton is a great town, and I'm fiercely proud of it! My Dad used to work at that Dixie plant. Its now being turned into condos that look really nice. If you're ever in Easton, look me up. I'm the only Todd Nemura on the planet, so I'm easy to find!