Hello from North Caifornia


New Member
May 12, 2013
Reaction score

My name is Cody and I live in the far North western corner of California on the coast. I currently work as a law enforcement officer full time and am a full time student, as well as a single dad to two great teen daughters.

I am HOH and am losing my hearing at a slow rate. My Dr. and Audiologists have no idea why. They think it is a combination of genetics and industrial exposure. I wear hearing aids in both ears. It is a great help, but definitely not a fix.

I look at my hearing problem as a motivator to strive for different things not as a disability, and I refuse to become a victim. Everything happens for a reason.

I am going to school to be a teacher, hopefully at the college level. I am majoring in political science/constitutional law/American history.

In my spare time (what is that?) I fish, hunt, kayak, and get outside as much as possible.

Have agreat day and I look forward to meeting some quality people.
:wave: What degree hearing loss is acceptable in the PD where you work?
Welcome to the forum. Glad you joined us.

I like your positive attitude toward the changes in your life. That's the way to go!
Wow, that is a full hand you have\!! Thank for taking time from busy schedule to introduce yourself here.
Thats great to keep on going and never letting anything stop you. Welcome to AD.com :)