Hello from Jamaica


New Member
Jul 28, 2013
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My name is Ken. I'm a Jamaican and learning Jamaican Sign Language (JSL), which is similar in many ways to ASL.

My goal is to be an interpreter one day. I studied both JSL and Japanese at university and I study Hebrew on my own with some online friends. I love learning languages!

I'm hoping to get into Gallaudet's Interpretation M.A. programme. It would be great if I could get some help in terms of exposure to ASL.

Let me see... I don't know what else to write here. I'd love to meet American Deaf and make some new friends!

Here's a vid with my signing and with a request!
Hey there! It's me, DarkCougar555. :D

It's good to have you with us. :welcome: to AllDeaf Forum! Cheers~
WELCOME!!! You're doing good! Keep practicing and keep working on achieving your dreams.

I loved Jamaica. I spent a good two weeks in Negril.
Thanks, everyone!

rockin'robin, :D that's nice of you to say!

KarissaMann05, thanks for inviting me!

Chris87 thanks! I feel welcome already!

NitroHonda, thanks for the encouragement! I'm glad you liked Negril. I hope you get the chance/choose to come back!
Wow, that is great. You are really signing almost exactly like ASL instead of Jamaican Sign Language. I hope you can go to Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. in USA. Good luck on going to college. :thumb:

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you can stay and enjoy our forum here. See you around this forum. :)