Hello from Dubai!

Becky G

New Member
Jul 27, 2008
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Hello all!!!
I am a Deaf Ed teacher from CT, USA that is in Dubai, UAE for about a year or two. I would like to get in touch with some the the deaf culture in this area. If anyone knows who or where I should contact it would greatly help me. The weather here is HOT!!! (114 during the day) and no sign of cool weather anywhere, but everything has air conditioning and once it gets cooler there will be alot to do. Some of you might have seen this place on the news. They are building the tallest building and islands that look like palm trees in the water. I've only been here for a week, but I am hoping that I will enjoy my time here and on this site as well.
Thank you!!!
Becky G
Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

I'm sorry I can't be much of a help to you for knowing anyone or something that can be helpful to you in Dubai but I do know this - Dubai is one of the interesting city in the world. Please do keep us informed of how your stay in Dubai is going. I'd love to hear all those interesting events in Dubai. :)

What brings you to Dubai?

Again, Welcome Aboard!
Hello all!!!
I am a Deaf Ed teacher from CT, USA that is in Dubai, UAE for about a year or two. I would like to get in touch with some the the deaf culture in this area. If anyone knows who or where I should contact it would greatly help me. The weather here is HOT!!! (114 during the day) and no sign of cool weather anywhere, but everything has air conditioning and once it gets cooler there will be alot to do. Some of you might have seen this place on the news. They are building the tallest building and islands that look like palm trees in the water. I've only been here for a week, but I am hoping that I will enjoy my time here and on this site as well.
Thank you!!!
Becky G

Dubai is a wonderful example of what a prosperous society can achieve. I can't say that I, as a spoiled gas-guzzling American, hold Dubai in the highest regard. Dubai's infrastructure is utopian and, by concrete and steel, has become. I do wish it upon them (if I can't upon mine own). By the same token, I see a deflation of the world's economy fueling a tiny percent (a capitalist principal).

Just the same, I find your experience extradordinary and wish it was my own. Best wishes.
:welcome: to AllDeaf. I am interesting to listen your story about Dubai. I love to hear it! There is beautiful place!
Hello all!!!
I am a Deaf Ed teacher from CT, USA that is in Dubai, UAE for about a year or two. I would like to get in touch with some the the deaf culture in this area. If anyone knows who or where I should contact it would greatly help me. The weather here is HOT!!! (114 during the day) and no sign of cool weather anywhere, but everything has air conditioning and once it gets cooler there will be alot to do. Some of you might have seen this place on the news. They are building the tallest building and islands that look like palm trees in the water. I've only been here for a week, but I am hoping that I will enjoy my time here and on this site as well.
Thank you!!!
Becky G

howdy, I just joined yesterday. so u r from ct? I lived in newington for a brief period. Spent more time in the ma pioneer valley though (mount holyJoke college) alumna here...am in ca right now but will be in egypt early next year for just 1 year...am in a similar boat as you in seeking info. related to the deaf community in an arab country. However, I don't even know how to speak arabic, or use american/arab sign language. Do u have any idea of links to arabic sign language or possibly an actual course in egypt for arabic sign language could u please share? I'll keep my eyes open for any info i might come across on the deaf dubai community. keif halek (what's up in egy arabic)? hope you're enjoying yourself there, that's one of the places on my list of where to go...take care, ciao, tamarah p.s. u or anyone on alldeaf is welcome to email me here, vespadork@gmail.com
also, got a link to another arab country's deaf community yesterday while on alldeaf. u can find the link under the response section of my posts
:welcome: to AllDeaf. I have never been to Connecticut and never know what a city Dubai, UAE look like. Other ADers say that it is a beautiful place. But anyway, I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Hello and :welcome: to AD! Wonderful to see that you're stationed in Dubai and hope it will be an eventful experience of your life-time! :)

Enjoy your time here on this interesting site. :)
Hi becky, Welcome to AD! :wave:

when i lived in Germany and listen a lot about dubai. My friends and me want take a travel in Dubai. But the time is going to faster, now i am living in USA :( so far from here to Dubai *sigh*
2010 we will fly to Germany, europa (London, Rome) and want visit in egypt for one weeks. I hope you love in Dubai :)