Hello from a new member...


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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My name is Brian S, but all my friends call me "Bri." I am 20 years old and currently live in West Virginia with my mom... my dad passed away last Wednesday (Jan. 17).

I graduated college Dec. 2006 from WV Career and Technical Institute/WV Rehabilitation Center. At college I was active around deaf and hard-of-hearing people but at home there is no deaf/hard-of-hearing that I know.

In case you are wondering, I became hard-of-hearing at the age of 2 1/2 years due to Bacterial Meningitis. Luckily I am still alive.

I hope to meet and get to know more deaf/hard-of-hearing people.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to ask or to PM me.

~ Bri
Welcome Bri,

Well, you found a good place to be. Many people here, with just as many different backgrounds.

ENjoy your stay, and while waiting for more answers, browse the messageboard or even better, do a search..

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Am sorry about your dad...my condolences to you and to your immediate family, relatives and friends.

Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

Have a good day! :wave:

introduce myself

i introduce myself Mark. I grew up california all my life. I am deaf since birth. I am well educated and employed. Thank you for reading..
Welcome, Bri. I have a deaf 20 year old son who lost his dad when he was 6. I'm sorry for your loss, but glad you have decided to join us here.
:wave: Welcome to AllDeaf, Have fun posting with us, See ya around. ;)
Welcome to AD, Bri! :) I'm sorry to hear about your dad's passing. Condolences to you and your family. :hug:
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)
:welcome: to AD! Sorry about your dad. :(
Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome!

Condolences are much accepted.

Can't wait to get some ideas to post away.

~ Bri
:welcome: To All Deaf Jabber!!
Sorry to hear about you dad:(
You graduated College I see
Sounds like your dad did pass away proud of you though:)
Congratulations & good luck on your future:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
Welcome to AD, Bri! :wave:

Sorry to hear about your dad's passing but I'm glad to see you interacting with new friends so soon. My mom passed shortly after I had graduated from college.

Although I am in Maryland now, West Virginia is my home state. :D

I'll be praying for you and your mom as y'all go through this time of grief.

to AD..I am sorry about ur dad but at least he is at peace and is with God and the angels. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)