Hello forum,


New Member
Dec 4, 2014
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Hello, I've been reading over many threads here and thought it was time to introduce myself. I'm a linguist by passion and a writer by occupation, also casually dating a Deaf guy – we bonded over the study of sociolinguistics and general cultural studies. It seems like a number of people come here because they're “looking for a Deaf partner,” so I would like to point out that he and I were friends first and it just happened on it's own, we communicate easily and have shared passions – I did not seek him out because of his deafness. I'm here because the study of unique languages is a passion and I love applying language and cultural theory to sign languages and Deaf culture – fascinating. Before a sudden academic change, I was on track to be a linguistic anthropologist, but there aren't many jobs, so writing became a more logical direction.

I am legally hearing, but have always had poor bass response and have trouble distinguishing voices in crowds – I can't filter ambient noise correctly. I have received a lot of wrong food at restaurants because of deep voiced waiters with long mustaches. I had near constant ear infections as a kid, so that might be the cause.