Hello everyone i am come from montreal Quebec


New Member
Mar 4, 2006
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Hello everyone! My name is Carrie Duguay. I am a 33 years old deaf. I am married. I have a beautiful son. We are living in Montréal, Quebec. We are not first language in French. Our first language is English as well ASL the second language is French as LSQ. But in Montréal lot of people are speaking French.

I am here for my enjoy to read and what is up around there. But I do really care about Duncan, He is my trustworthy friends. He is deaf. Michael is my husband, Duncan and my husband went hung out a lot, they were really very good friends. My Montréal friends are going to miss Him a lot; we haven’t seen him for 16 years now. I hope Duncan is doing okay. Duncan is very special and awesome! So I am here to help everyone maybe everyone like my ideas, suggestion ETC. Have a great weekend

Take care

:welcome: and enjoy your stay! You will learn lots from AllDeaf.Com!!

Stay blessed!
Hi Carrie,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)....
Hi Carrie,

you are welcome to the all deaf site!

i know you so well ;) you are my closest best friends ever I know you:) i never forget about you a lot!
How is your family and your husband michael Duguay?

I am so glad you are here.

take care love
Hi everyone, thank you for kind of comment makes me feel warm to welceom.

I am so happy my best freind Duncan is here, That is good. I will try my best can to stay more often But I am working plus my family. I can come to here sometime I have time.

Welcome to AD. I would like to learn French someday... And since I'm not rich by any means, hopefully a visit to Montreal, not France, is in my near future. :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf montrealcarrie! Hope your stay here in AD will be an enjoyable and good experience, no matter how much time you're able to be in here! ;)
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf montrealcarrie!!! I hope you will like being on this forum, and meeting new people. I am so happy that you and Duncan have been able to find each other after all these years. What a happy reunion for you both!!! Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :)