Hello and Help?


New Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Hey everyone! =) Nice to meet you!
My name is Alice and I'm a digital artist and a hobby-writer from Brazil.
I am hearing, but sound is something that bothers me a lot I don't know why hahaha. Half the time I wish I could turn sounds off... It's like having a flashlight stuck in front of your eyes and you can't look away!
But anyway! I've written many stories and characters and they just 'come to me'. Their whole story just pops into my head one day like I'm watching a movie someone else made. And just like that one of my characters was sent to me deaf =)

While I do speak Brazilian Sign Language (although not as well as I'd like to) I don't have contact with Deaf people =/ I watch loads of videos on Deaf culture and such, but it's just not enough =/

So in my story my character Mathias dates a hearing person (who has no contact with deaf people, SL or anything at all) and I'm running into some problems as to how to go about this!

I was wondering if any of you lovely folks would mind answering some questions or something? Like by email? Or maybe through here?
I was looking for a person that currently works/studies and has loads of constant contact with hearing people that don't sign, or if you've dated a hearing person, even better ;P

Thanks a whole bunch! I hope someone might be able to help me ^^

ps: I reeaaallllyyy don't mean to be one of those annoying people who are mentioned on the sticky thread about 'interviews' -.- I'm not here doing homework or anything. This is something that's very dear to me. I hope I don't bother anyone by posting this here =/
Hi Alice. A couple ideas. First look at the thread about annoying hearing people. maybe post part of your story here. I would love to see your vision of how the interaction would take place. We can look at your story (or part of the story) and give a little feedback. It might help your story to add a little a little deaf insensitivity that gets resolved as the story progresses.
Hi Alice. A couple ideas. First look at the thread about annoying hearing people. maybe post part of your story here. I would love to see your vision of how the interaction would take place. We can look at your story (or part of the story) and give a little feedback. It might help your story to add a little a little deaf insensitivity that gets resolved as the story progresses.

:lol: She seems to have made one post and left.

Deaf insensitivity????
Perhaps she was overly sensitive?

I think we have another case of a drive by posting.

Move along folks, nothing to see here! That's right, keep moving!!!
To me, it does not matter if she is a student or just an ordinary person who is interest in Sign Language from Brazil. I am not sure if there is ASL in South America. There was a male deaf person who was from Peru and he used ASL to communicate with us.

Anyway, she need to make more posts before we can trust her and not let her go off with one post. So let's wait and see. I do hope she can come back to respond with us. How about 10 posts or maybe even a little bit more to make sure we can give her what she is interest in asking us questions about her story for the book or for the play. :dunno: I am just guessing. :lol:
Hey guys!
Wow, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to give off that impression at all, but in the end I did *facepalm*
See, the thing is, I have my settings to 'send me an email everytime someone msgs a thread i answered' and I only got the 1st msg for this one! =/
So I didn't see any of you guys replies till now!
I actually been reading stuff around the forum. I specially like to see the videos that people link to, which is what I do most of the time, but then out of curiosity I came back here on this thread today and then surprise! o.o

To Smith: Thank you <3
To cheeta: hmmm what thread about annoying hearing people do you mean? I actually did read the sticky, if you mean that one? (I always read stickys!). And wow I would love to post some of it, but I'm a bit embarassed hahah plus it's long and I don't want to bore you guys, but... I can kind of just go over it a little bit? I would be so happy if you'd give your thoughts on it! And I second Bottesini's question! Deaf insensitivity? What do you mean by that?
To Bebonang: Here our sign language is called LIBRAS =) But yeah, you're right .-. I usually don't post a lot in forums, I read a lot, which is what I ended up doing here =) I love reading people's stories and just reading them chat about random stuff. That gives me nice insight. I keep to myself a lot I guess, so I rarely post stuff on any forum =/

Cheeta thank you again for being open to hearing my view on how the interaction would go. Here is the main, I'll try not to drag it on (Oh and it's not a child's story! I'm not sure how old you are! So err.. don't read this if you're not 18! Hahah):
It's basically a single dad (hearing) meets (deaf) fashion model story. They've only seen each other from far away, so John doesn't know that Mathias is deaf. At a party [plot][plot] happens and they hook up but they don't talk cause they're too drunk -at least John is anyway (it's a first person story).
[time] later and they meet again and John goes to talk to him and I've got Mathias signing 'I'm deaf' but also speaking it (he can speak but he rarely does it cause he doesn't like to) as an answer (not sure how people usually tell other people they're deaf .-.). For this initial conversation Mathias reads his lips and answers stuff by typing on his phone (how would one normally answer back? I couldn't think of anything...). Anyway, they go out for coffee and from that point on they just use this little notepad for basically everything, they put it on the table and write on it all the time. Or use a laptop or something. I'm pretty much stuck at the paper/laptop thing right now. They do text each other and Mathias can read his lips and talks when he really really needs to, and then there's some gesturing. They've been going out for a week I think. Is writing how people communicate basically in the beginning? I mean, John will start learning ASL soon but it'll take him like a year or 2 to be any good or so I've read here somewhere.
Another thing I keep wondering is... They can communicate fine cause they can write, but what about John's son who can't write? How will they talk to each other? I want them to have a really good bond!
I don't know why my reply hasn't shown up guys =/
I wrote this really long post explaining a lot of things, put a bit of my story here, and I wrote back to you guys too.
I've been around the forum, reading a lot and learning from what people post. True I don't post much, but I haven't left.
When I clicked to post here it said something about moderator (like the post had to be approved) is this because of a size thing? I tried checking the FAQ but couldn't find something specific about it.
So yeah, I thought it had posted, but now I've seen it hasn't come up. So I just wanted you to know that I'm still here!!
And I had said before, thank you cheeta, for offering to help and since I can't post here I could like pm you the idea for the interaction so far or something and you could give me your opinion, or I could post it in the art forum (I already posted a drawing there actually =) )
Anyway, see you around guys =)
(and sorry for bumping this old thread!!)
New users under ~10 (?) or so posts need to have their posts reviewed and approved by a moderator before it shows up. It may take some time before they see it or get a chance to approve it. In the meantime you can always feel free to reply more often. :)
Oh is that what it is! The 10 post thing? Thanks for letting me know Naisho ;D
I have to get over my shyness and talk more then ><
And thanks for the support! :D We'll run into each other on the forum \o/
Hahaha XD I wish we could do a trade! .__.

But seriously... I'm already 'spoiled' with this extra input that is hearing, but if I could go back and choose then I'd rather just not have it .-. or at least have it less so that maybe wearing earplugs would be enough to create like an artificial deafness for me.

But I'm actually going to do neuro tests because my doctor thinks I might have a too sensitivy hearing (like superman xD hahaha) or my brain just processes sound higher or something I don't know lol, and that's why I'm so constantly bothered by sound. Hopefully that'll be it, cause then it can be toned down.
Alice, the story you are writing sounds a lot like the movie Listen to your Heart. The guy isn't a single dad, though, he's a waiter and wannabee musician when they meet. He falls in love at first sight with a customer and doesn't realize for a while that she's deaf. She reads lips and writes on a notepad and then they eventually start using sign language together.

The girl's mother was horrible and the movie got really sad at the end. I won't say too much in case of spoiling it for someone else who may plan to watch it. I saw on TV.
Oh o.o suddenly the post I had been talking about that I had made millions of years ago showed up hahaha. I was wondering how KellyC could know what the story was about, but now I see the post is here :D

To Kelly: I'm definitely going to look for this movie! Thank you so much for the reference <3 Makes me wonder... there are probably other ones out there maybe. I need to do a big search!
Thanks <3
Hahaha XD I wish we could do a trade! .__.

But seriously... I'm already 'spoiled' with this extra input that is hearing, but if I could go back and choose then I'd rather just not have it .-. or at least have it less so that maybe wearing earplugs would be enough to create like an artificial deafness for me.

But I'm actually going to do neuro tests because my doctor thinks I might have a too sensitivy hearing (like superman xD hahaha) or my brain just processes sound higher or something I don't know lol, and that's why I'm so constantly bothered by sound. Hopefully that'll be it, cause then it can be toned down.

I'm baffled that it bugs you lol, i'm quite jeaous :P

But I did read an article once about a woman who way so annoyed with her hearing and she couldn't stand noises, it turns out she had hearing sensitivity problems and she got help with it and was able to make her brain block out the noises that were too loud, so good luck with getting it sorted and I hope you find out what's wrong :)
I'm baffled that it bugs you lol, i'm quite jeaous :P

But I did read an article once about a woman who way so annoyed with her hearing and she couldn't stand noises, it turns out she had hearing sensitivity problems and she got help with it and was able to make her brain block out the noises that were too loud, so good luck with getting it sorted and I hope you find out what's wrong :)

Yeah it does bug me half of the time. My problem is when I'm trying to concentrate on anything, even the slightest noise will break my concentration. It's like a little flashing light over your eye again and again -.-
I literally walk around with earplugs a lot .-.

I don't know much about implants or anything, but you could still try if you really want to right?


And omg!! I just watched the movie Kelly!! ;___; I died crying. It was so sweet and then suddenly ;__; but yeah. It helped me a lot though =) I feel like the characters and mine relate a lot. Specially because like the girl, Sam, my Mathias was also brought up orally, so it was nice to watch their communication evolving.
Yeah it does bug me half of the time. My problem is when I'm trying to concentrate on anything, even the slightest noise will break my concentration. It's like a little flashing light over your eye again and again -.-
I literally walk around with earplugs a lot .-.

I don't know much about implants or anything, but you could still try if you really want to right?


And omg!! I just watched the movie Kelly!! ;___; I died crying. It was so sweet and then suddenly ;__; but yeah. It helped me a lot though =) I feel like the characters and mine relate a lot. Specially because like the girl, Sam, my Mathias was also brought up orally, so it was nice to watch their communication evolving.

Yeah that sounds like you have a sensitivity problem or something because I dont think that's normal lol so it's good you're getting it sorted out

And implants for what? :S lol
Yeah that sounds like you have a sensitivity problem or something because I dont think that's normal lol so it's good you're getting it sorted out

And implants for what? :S lol

I hope so too .-.

Hmm I don't know how those work .-. but I've heard some people can get implants to start hearing? I'm not sure .-.