Hello and... Goodbye!


New Member
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score

My name is Raven and I'll be going in about a few minutes. Now I shall part with this message for all to see. :sadwave: \


and now to quote a character,

Hello and... Goodbye!

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Forum addiction. It can easily consume your time and distract you from other things in life. Beside, you guys don't need another trouble-maker around here. ;)

Nah, You aren't no trouble maker, but alittle "Mr. Know it all", But hey I enjoyed reading your posts and would like you to reconsider on staying. ;)
that twin things was posted along time ago in alldeaf, it's still funny
aww sorry to see u go Raven -- hope u would continue with AD and make some of ur good posts here across the boards on occasions
Raven said:
Forum addiction. It can easily consume your time and distract you from other things in life. Beside, you guys don't need another trouble-maker around here. ;)


Hmm...would you ever consider using a 'timer' to restrict the amount of time being here :whistle: ...that way, you're able to post from time to time? Just a thought there--

Understanding that there are indeed many things in life to give attention to with so little time available, yet, hate to see any member leave here, but if you must...sure hope you'll be able to drop by and visit from time to time!! Whatever you do, wishes you all the best!

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Thanks for the kind words, but I hardly don't think I leave very many good posts. Rants, more like, anyway. : )

If I changed my mind to stay around, this topic would look like a desperate cry for attention... that's not a tone I would like to set for anyone.

Good luck to everyone with their future and don't be afraid to take risks in life. You'll never know what you're going to miss out.



Man (and woman) restricts no time, it is time who restricts the people. I would have end up abusing the timer and shatter the device instead. :þ
Aw Raven :(

You will be missed, hope everything is well with you, please come back and visit someday....

I enjoyed reading your posts, and I will miss some of your best advice you have been given here lately...
