Hello all.


Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

My name is Devon. I am a 21 years old female from Pennsylvania.

If you look to the left of this post, you will see that I've had this account since March 2008. I was bored one day and searched for random websites that related to deaf people, and found this forum. I'm not sure exactly why I've never been actually active on the forums before, or why I just decided to start being active on the forums now. But yeah. I figured that if I were to start posting more often, I might as well as type up an introduction about myself so you guys aren't left wondering who the hell I am lol. :P

Anyways, yes, I am deaf. I have been profoundly deaf since birth. I do have some very old hearing aids that I don't use most of the time unless I want to be able to hear some music. I communicate using sign language, although I tend to read and write English a lot more often, due to living in the hearing world.

Currently I live in Bloomsburg where I attend the university there. My major is Computer Forensics. I also recently took up a minor in Criminal Justice.

My interests include video games, movies, TV, sleeping, reading, pottery, bowling, crafts, and so on. I'm pretty much a big computer nerd. I also love to ride my bicycle around town and swim at the university's pool. There's not much else for me to tell you, other than that I usually just do whatever I'm interested in at the moment, and that can quite be random.

Well I guess that's pretty much it... If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I look forward to getting to know some of you.

Have a good night all. :)
:welcome: to AD from your neighbor south of you. :)
Computer Forensics sounds interesting! What does that involve exactly?

Welcome to AD! I'm a newbie just like you! :)
Yeah, computer forensics does sound really cool. Tell us more! And welcome to AD!
uh-oh! *deleting discriminating content from my computer with DoD 5220.22-M grade*

:welcome: back to AllDeaf forum. Like Violet said, I do hope you can stay around more and get interest in our discussions or making the debates to disagree or agree. Enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Thanks everyone :)

For those who were wondering, computer forensics is a field where people can investigate things like computers, thumb drives, cellphones, etc, for evidence of criminal activity.

Examples of criminal activity would include child porn, e-fraud, harassment/stalking, etc. Other cases may involve people leaving behind a lot of evidence that could be used to build up a good case against them. For example, if someone got accused of murder, the crime itself may not relate much to computers, but that person could have Googled for methods on how to kill people. Or that person could have stored a lot of pictures of his/her victim, notes, e-mails, etc - anything to indicate that the murder was premeditated.

However, not all of it has to be about criminal cases. Sometimes people do hire investigators to search their hard drives and prove that they did NOT do this or that. For example, someone got fired from his job for downloading porn while working. He could try to get an investigator to prove that it was not him who downloaded the porn, but a trojan/virus that did it.

Anyways, after the investigator does all the work on the computer, he or she is also responsible for writing reports on the findings and submitting it to others (i.e. lawyers). The investigator also is responsible for going to court to testify in cases.

There are a lot of other things that computer forensics involves but I gotta stop here. You can google for more information, or I can answer more questions when I have more time.

Heya - I'm doing good, what about you?

I am from central Pennsylvania. Currently I live in Bloomsburg. I grew up in some small town that people usually haven't heard of before, lol.
lol well i havent heard of a lot of places :D
im from new jersey like 1 min form philadelphia.
but u sound like ur deep in there :)