Hello all


New Member
Sep 10, 2010
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hey everybody of the deaf community, my name is Ashley and i just joined last night. I'm not deaf, but my family has a hearing impediment and as a young child i saw an aunt doing signs and was amazed. So i always wanted to learn how to sign so i can at least communicate with others. I got a basic course in school and well i'm now going to start ASL this week, i'm very excited and i hope ill make a lot of friends on this forum so i can use all that i've learnt.
Thank you very much :) You would not believe how long i've wanted to learn to sign and i'm now getting the opportunity.
Kristina, how long does it take on average to learn to sign properly?
I have been told 2-10 years. I have been in the process of learning (part-time) for the last 3 years and have a broad vocabulary, but don't know enough of ASL grammar to use ASL. Mostly I am just PSE'ing along.

Also, I am total deaf. Lost my hearing 4 years ago. Was hoh since birth.
oh ok, what is PSE'ing? I'm now gettin into this, so not familiar with all the terms. I actually have to go for a hearing exam soon, I find sometimes i can't hear certain things that i used to well.
PSE is Pidgen Signed English. Basically signing in English order with ASL signs.