Hello All!


New Member
Sep 14, 2014
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Good morning! My name is chelsi. I am HoH, a mother to 3 awesome kids, a wife and college student. I work full time at an elementary with special needs kids and love my job. Currently working on a nursing degree. Excited to see a site like this. It can be hard to be HoH in a world full of people who don't get it. Feeling isolated can really suck. Anyway- Hope you are all wonderful this morning!
Hi discovered I was deaf in left ear in elementary school told my mother she didnt believe me ! 4_ months ago I suffered sensoneureal hearing loss in right ear. You can imagine my horror!fortunately I have recivered fairly well still have some tinnitus and other issues!!
Why would she not believe you? That is really sad. Glad you are recovering. They have many white noise apps for the tinnitus if you are having trouble falling asleep. Most of the are free or in the $2.00 range.