


HHEEELLLLLLOOOOO!!!!! folks!!! It's me the mad sharkster, Sharky99!!! I'm new to this site...hopefully I can have some good fun in here eh? :naughty: hehehe!!!

Been a while not seeing you either :)

Good to see you again!

Wendy ;)
HEHEH Liza and WBHarley.....nice to see ya ladies as well!!! Ya both can thank Dawg for giving me the site link...and I had thought about registering for this site for a while now..and decided to do it....so...hehe......
Hey welcome! Make sure you make some posts..and be careful with your teeth..you don't want ADers to be walking around with a limb missing. :p
LOL SilenceGold...nope I'm just a fun-loving shark..ask RudeDawg, Liza, and WBHarley..hehe!!!
I remember something from a former diver..."never trust a pool full of sharks"

Originally posted by SilenceGold
Hey welcome! Make sure you make some posts..and be careful with your teeth..you don't want ADers to be walking around with a limb missing. :p

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I'm serious..

:keeps his hawk eyes on shark's fin swimming around in the AD pool:
Read about 2000+ of my posts...maybe you'll faint from rolling over too much on the floor.
welcome to AD sharkey HAVE alot of fun with this wild bunch of familes HEHEH
Welcome to ADv2.0.3 Sharkey, have fun posting here.
Sowwy, too dense right now to think of something humourous for you, so, have fun.