Heartbroken then recover.....


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May 14, 2008
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Guys or Gals got heartbroken after breakup or divorce.

So, how long have you been recover from breakup or divorce? 6 month? 1 yrs?

A lady I met told me a story about her breakup and she recover for a year. She and her ex-boyfriend has been together for 9 yrs. Wowie. She accepted it and move on with her life.

i am still recovering from breakup from 2 years ago but i have move on but still have issues with my feelings. but i am doing well getting better everyday.
It took me a few days to get over it after the divorce in years ago.
Most of my relationships aren't that serious so I recover pretty much fast because I am usually the one that dumps instead of getting dumped. But my ex husband petitioned for the divorce and it took me months to get over the fact that I am a divorced woman. But after that, it doesn't hurt at all because I have my own ways to cope with anything that affects me badly.
no matter if the relationship wass serious or not, or if you were married or not, its going to to hurt one way or another. You say you are better off now then before, means you were hurt. If you say you dumped them , can you say that when you were together the time was worth it or not? If not, was the time wasted ?

No matter how you put it, a there is always a piece of you that dies and that always will hurt. You might become stronger and better then before but that piece that died can never be recovered. :cry:

Fear not my freinds, you will always recover, you will always be able to mend your heart. You will always be ablee to love again and you will always be happy you trudged on even in the darkest of times.:hug: just rememeber this and keep those thoughts in your heart.:)
Believe me, even after a huge break up of a marriage, during that moment I thought I was going to die and my world was going to end but in hindsight now, that experience really shaped my life for who I am now.

It has made me much stronger and prepared me mentally and emotionally for what I would go through.

You will recover and you will meet someone that is suited better for you.

If I could go through something similar, you will experience something beautiful.

I have remarried and constantly count my blessings for having a wonderful husband, partner and soulmate in my life.
Believe me, even after a huge break up of a marriage, during that moment I thought I was going to die and my world was going to end but in hindsight now, that experience really shaped my life for who I am now.

It has made me much stronger and prepared me mentally and emotionally for what I would go through.

You will recover and you will meet someone that is suited better for you.

If I could go through something similar, you will experience something beautiful.

I have remarried and constantly count my blessings for having a wonderful husband, partner and soulmate in my life.


Yea, I felt the same after my split with my ex hubby. Took me about a year to recover and finally move on. The reason it was so hard cuz it was so unexpected when it happened.
Well, I did get recover in a day after my daughter's father left us out of the blue. *shrug* Since how he did that to me that caused me feel that it's not worth to being hurt for him. :roll:
It's been a year and a half and I still haven't any desire to meet anyone nor have feelings for anyone other than the man upstairs.

Sorry to hear that. The most important is your daughter than him. In future, you will find a better man than him, the father who left you and ur daughter is not your fault or not her fault. you have a daughter with a bundle of love and joy.
my ex hubby and i were seprated and it broke my heart, depression, cry on and off.. i went in anxitey attack and cant breath.. my mom called 911 on me twice.. gee.. so i was depression for 4 yrs (still seprated) til after divorced got better much and heal.. now i am very happy married with my hubby.. :D
It didnt take me that long to recover after my divorced due to the abusive. I am now happy and enjoy my life the way I should be.
The separation from my second wife was devestating for me. We agreed to seperate many months ago, yet I am still missing her and trying to get over it.

I dated a lady over this past summer. It was a terrible relationship as she was very immature. This separation... no ill effects and no regrets.

So, it really depends on the relationship itself. All are different.
It took me about half a year or so to recover from my break up last year so right now I feel stronger and just moved on since I still have my life and alot of things coming my way and everything but yeah I still care for that person and I hope she would be happy with someone else and all so I guess its all good for us all then.
heartbroken then recover...

Either separation and divorce is heartbroken if the spouse refuses to work it out in marriage. It is devastating and hard time. It depend on the person that can be able to recover in a long time like up to five years or a short time less than six months. It is not funny business. It is better to work it out in marriage than heartbreaking after either one decide to separate or divorce.
no matter if the relationship wass serious or not, or if you were married or not, its going to to hurt one way or another. You say you are better off now then before, means you were hurt. If you say you dumped them , can you say that when you were together the time was worth it or not? If not, was the time wasted ?

No matter how you put it, a there is always a piece of you that dies and that always will hurt. You might become stronger and better then before but that piece that died can never be recovered. :cry:

Fear not my freinds, you will always recover, you will always be able to mend your heart. You will always be ablee to love again and you will always be happy you trudged on even in the darkest of times.:hug: just rememeber this and keep those thoughts in your heart.:)



I always remind myself of this saying each time there is a heart break "Better to have loved and lost than never." It has enabled me to keep going - for I believe that for every man I met and loved whether it worked out or not, it gave me opportunities to evolve further into a person I am meant to be.
People, being heartbroken doesn't nesscary mean the end for the end is a new beginning.

Don't you see, it was meant to be. Perhaps your beliefs made it happen for you so you can proceed to a new beginning.

And a new beginning means new love. Don't be afriad, being hurted is part of living a life. Also, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Have a good life, people. Good Fortune.

Sorry to hear that. The most important is your daughter than him. In future, you will find a better man than him, the father who left you and ur daughter is not your fault or not her fault. you have a daughter with a bundle of love and joy.

Yeah, that's ok. Thanks. I'm glad to having her in my life. Right now, I'm seeing someone else ;)