Hearing people's view of CI

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My two cents not attempting to ruffle or anything but the miracle is that my son is alive. Hearing or not he is here.

I agree! :)
My two cents not attempting to ruffle or anything but the miracle is that my son is alive. Hearing or not he is here.

That would be a miracle to me. Being able to hear or not is not a miracle. lol
So.. you don't get the significance that when some deaf person that can hear with CI, can listen to the sound a cat makes, and imitate that perfectly..

Had the sound be distorted, deformed etc.. .. wouldn't the imitation of that sound be distorted as well..??
You might argue that the distortion is replicated perfectly so that what comes out is correct... but that would bring us to "do I hear the same as another person that can hear"..
It's miles away from "kissing a friend compared to making love with a soulmate".

Again, you still don't get it. I can hear a lot of stuff too, my cat purring, water boiling, even speech (even WITHOUT my aids) That does not mean I hear them the way a hearing person hears them. If you could hear the way a CI person hears, you'd be all "THIS is how a CI person hears?" It's a GOOD mimic yes.....but it's not the way hearing people hear. It's the way a HOH person hears. HOH people (except for unilateral losses) don't hear the way a hearing person hears. They can get a pretty good idea.....but again, it's the difference between kissing a good friend on the cheek vs. making love with your soulmate is. HOH people only have a one or two dimensional idea of what sound is. Whereas hearing people have a three dimensional idea of what sound is. It's exactly like the way glasses can help a legally blind person use their residual vision,, but they will never see normally or the way a sighted person can.
Knowledge of any kind is not required to make a decision. Experience is not required to make a decision. Research is not required to make a decision. Intelligence is not required to make a decision.

Just think how much better your chances of making good choices if you had some or all of these?

The point is discount the deaf at you and your child's peril.

The point is account the hearing at me and my child's peril.
True. Sociologists have found a lot of uncertainty among parents of deaf children, even after the decision was made. Just notice how perfect some parents here try to appear with their choices and how personal they take everything.
LOL... WOW...

If you could only imagine.....
ah! you think if we hear a sound that's different from the way a hearing person hears it, then when we mimic it, it sounds different from how a hearing person would say it?

that's where you're wrong. So wrong. You have a lot of learning to do still.
Sure... sure.... read the whole post next time...
I was dx'd as deaf when I was 7 months old. Both of my parents come from a medical background. Yet their bias toward speech prevented them from seeing things objectively.
I don't know your history.. but aren't all parents like that.. biased towards speech. Deaf or hearing...???
Again, you still don't get it. I can hear a lot of stuff too, my cat purring, water boiling, even speech (even WITHOUT my aids) That does not mean I hear them the way a hearing person hears them. If you could hear the way a CI person hears, you'd be all "THIS is how a CI person hears?" It's a GOOD mimic yes.....but it's not the way hearing people hear. It's the way a HOH person hears. HOH people (except for unilateral losses) don't hear the way a hearing person hears. They can get a pretty good idea.....but again, it's the difference between kissing a good friend on the cheek vs. making love with your soulmate is. HOH people only have a one or two dimensional idea of what sound is. Whereas hearing people have a three dimensional idea of what sound is. It's exactly like the way glasses can help a legally blind person use their residual vision,, but they will never see normally or the way a sighted person can.

So... when presented with a deaf child, you would rather experience her hearing like "never kissing anyone - anytime", instead of giving her the possibility to "kiss a friend or the cheek" or even "kissing like making love with your soulmate"
So... when presented with a deaf child, you would rather experience her hearing like "never kissing anyone - anytime", instead of giving her the possibility to "kiss a friend or the cheek" or even "kissing like making love with your soulmate"

No, I never said that. I support speech training, as well as audilogical intervention. I think that those are a good tool. I just don't support that being the only tool in the toolbox! I also support Sign being used as well!
Many if not most Deaf people do support spoken language, but in conjunction with Sign being used as well. The hearign world isn't perfect. Hearing schools are not well experianced in teachign dhh kids. You really are assuming that b/c your daughter is doing realtively well right now, she will continue to do well, and that she'll be able to fully and totally access the hearing world 100%. Her CI does allow SOME access to the hearing world....but it doesn't allow unfettered access. You don't understand that right now. You're like every other parent of an oral dhh kid in the early stages right now....just so bedazzled by the fact that a CI allows some access to the hearing world.
I AM HOH, and CI kids ARE HOH. CI kids are going through what we HOH kids have gone through for decades if not centuries. Hell, you know when I was your daughter's age, my parents were all bedazzled at the fact that I was doing so well. Now, they say they should have sent me to deaf school or dhh program!
Re post #117 my alleged"dislike of the Deaf".

As I have mentioned -many times- I am bilateral DEAF since December 20, 2006. I don't dislike myself because I am DEAF-why should I? That fact will never change. Easily verified-swimming/sleeping.

I have made no comment re "dislike of the Deaf" here in Alldeaf.com.

Whether other "Deaf/deaf/DEAF" persons agree with comments in part from my DEAF /Hearing impaired experiences-is another matter in the ongoing intermural exercise: oral vs cultural.I am also aware that the use/non use of Cochlear Implants do have "some impact on some people's opinions here".

I don't view Deafness as one views "religious beliefs/theology/philosophy".
True, and it works both ways. Parents who didn't implant have a very strong vested interest in believing they did the right thing, and parents who DID implant want to believe they did the right thing.

Parents are like that. Whatever decision they made, they very strongly want to believe that it was correct, regardless of which decision it was.
You can say it's like that for some parents, at least some in this thread are in danger of appearing that way.

My point was however that not all parents necessary have a strong faith in what they did, but those who claim parents are able to do "informed choices", or claim they managed to do so, rarely admit the drama most parents are caught in, with strong influences, aware or unaware. Even those who takes input from the deaf community or linquistics, are still under pressure from oralist.

In general, CI surgery teams and audiologist don't communicate well with sociologist, psychologist and linquistics and the deaf community. The result is, sadly, a major fuckup in many parents thinking.
So... when presented with a deaf child, you would rather experience her hearing like "never kissing anyone - anytime", instead of giving her the possibility to "kiss a friend or the cheek" or even "kissing like making love with your soulmate"

lol....you know what she means but you're being difficult, you're not doing yourself or your daughter any favours by behaving like this. Shaking my head because I know this will come back to kick you in the ass one day.
Cloggy, your babbling again... it's time for your medication!
So.. you don't get the significance that when some deaf person that can hear with CI, can listen to the sound a cat makes, and imitate that perfectly..

Had the sound be distorted, deformed etc.. .. wouldn't the imitation of that sound be distorted as well..??
You might argue that the distortion is replicated perfectly so that what comes out is correct... but that would bring us to "do I hear the same as another person that can hear"..
It's miles away from "kissing a friend compared to making love with a soulmate".
Perfect hearing skills is not necessary for perfect speech skills, and perfect hearing does not guarantee proper speech. Basic speech therapist knowledge.

Learning deaf kids animal sounds has been part of speech therapy for a century, to train specific pronouncations. Dunno if your daughter is depedent on speech therapy to learn to make proper sounds, but you for sure make her appear as a future hardcore member of our cultural and ethnic community with claims like that.
The maid has the advantage of not been caught in the emotional ASL vs oral drama that many parents are a part of, having bigger changes to make rational reflections.

For many parents, there isn't an "emotional ASL vs. oral drama". They understand what needs to be done and commits to it.
For many parents, there isn't an "emotional ASL vs. oral drama". They understand what needs to be done and commits to it.

:eek3: That has got to be one of the most ignorant statements I've read in a long time. Have you not read anything on this board as to what kids face in an ASL vs. oral setting?

Adding an edit after seeing DC's post below -- I have to agree with that. So many here were raised in an environment that was not beneficial for them. How did a parent "understand" what was best for them in terms of ASL or oral? A commitment means squat if it wasn't in the best interest for the child.
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