Hearing loss

Hi Chronic :wave:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here :)
Hello everyone, Im 17 years old, male, and just a a year ago I got a hearing aid for my right ear because I was afflicted with hearing loss due to playing with fireworks and loud music(parties, etc) :cool: This happened about 3 years ago and only this year did it start showing up. One day I woke up and it felt like my ears were stuffy. You know, it wasn't as clear as it was before, so I kept digging my ear, at home, in school, until it bled! I know, stupid me, this was before I knew it was hearing loss. I only made it worse! So I can say that this is my fault for making myself hard of hearing :(
Anyways, I just graduated high school and Im now starting college, staying in the dorms with 3 other guys, really fun!

ALso I was wondering, when I go to college, I can't seem to put my hearing aid on... I mean I can hear the professor's lectures and questions, but not some of the students around me. I want to wear it so I can hear, but I cant seem to get myself used to it so I dont wear it.. Can someone please tell me some ways of forcing yourself to wear them? Thanks! I try to force myself but I just can't put it on.


First of all, welcome to alldeaf.com! As the name may imply, none of us who are deaf/hoh are ashamed of it. I have been in your boat, being embarrassed and all and had my hair over my ears to cover my hearing aids. I don't have my hair long anymore, as it has a mind of it's own. :roll: I started with bte's, then went ite's, then back to bte's a year ago. I've had a hearing loss since childhood.

Have you connected with the disabilty services department at your school to get help? Help as far as having note takers in all classes, test accomodations, preferential seating, etc., etc? If not, you need to get this set up, as you need to get it going today before the semester gets too far in and you are doing poorly on exams.

Feel free to pm me, but bear in mind that it'll be a few days before I can respond, as my cell doesn't double as a web browser. If you contact CyberRed and tell her I told you to contact her, she'll give you my cell phone number and you can text message me, okay?

Best wishes in your studies! :)
WOW thank you so much.
And yes, I do have the note taker, but thats all, there are only 13 people in all my classes so theres a lot of open seating. However, I like to sit in the back... because it makes me feel better. Right now, Im still trying to get used my HA, I have to FORCE myself to put them on when I cant hear. I always tell myself, "who gives a shit what people think, put it on so you can HEAR!"

First of all, welcome to alldeaf.com! As the name may imply, none of us who are deaf/hoh are ashamed of it. I have been in your boat, being embarrassed and all and had my hair over my ears to cover my hearing aids. I don't have my hair long anymore, as it has a mind of it's own. :roll: I started with bte's, then went ite's, then back to bte's a year ago. I've had a hearing loss since childhood.

Have you connected with the disabilty services department at your school to get help? Help as far as having note takers in all classes, test accomodations, preferential seating, etc., etc? If not, you need to get this set up, as you need to get it going today before the semester gets too far in and you are doing poorly on exams.

Feel free to pm me, but bear in mind that it'll be a few days before I can respond, as my cell doesn't double as a web browser. If you contact CyberRed and tell her I told you to contact her, she'll give you my cell phone number and you can text message me, okay?
Best wishes in your studies! :)

No problem. :)
Ah yes, thats why a lot of Indian youngsters lose most of their hearing during Diwali, festival of lights, thats when we have the crackers going!!

And yeah, since you're seventeen, you'll definitely feel welcome here, lots of us are your age!! LOL!!

But instead of considering it as your fault, do something about it....it's happened, accept it and move forward, and above all, its hard...but the magic word is TRY!!

Thats so cool, hope college is going well...I am also in university, its stressful at first but you'll get used to it, and guess what campus is always one big party...you have a lot of fun...so Yeah, Have a blast!!

Well, you better find a solution to those hearing aids, and you better start wearing them, they make a world of difference!!

Good luck, and keep posting!!
