Hearing in a Deaf world

the one thing that gets me more than anything else, is the deaf who "punish" hearing people that took the time and effort to learn sign...imo...after i've taken the time you learn your language, the punishment is over.

but i understand travis' situation perfectly, i've expierenced it myself, being hearing and socializing with deaf almost exclusively.

your always going to be on the outside, but there's no reason that should bother you. if people are truely your friends they will accept you....now granted you *will* catch hell often for mistakes you make. messing up signs, using blatant english signs etc.

being "part of the culture" isn't that important, its just a way for groups of people to exclude others to make themselves feel special...im a white american...am i part of the white culture? fuck if i know...am i part of the american culture? who knows, who cares.

make friends, have good times, drink lots of beer, work a job that you enjoy...the rest doesn't matter. everything else is just fluff
Rose Immortal said:
Glad to know everything's patched up. :)

I still have to get a job, after I get out of grad school (May 13 couldn't come sooner!), but if I get in with the company I'm hoping for, I'll eventually be able to move into the area I want from there. They're big on internal hiring and all that stuff. ;)

Best wishes to you!! Have you sent them your resume' yet? Not a bad idea to get ahead of the rush and get it out right after the first of the year.
pek1 said:
Best wishes to you!! Have you sent them your resume' yet? Not a bad idea to get ahead of the rush and get it out right after the first of the year.

Thanks! :) I have informational interviews on the 29th of this month so hopefully I'll find out from that exactly which positions I should be targeting. I'm pretty nervous considering the only jobs I've ever held were a summer volunteer job at a library once a week, and my current graduate assistantship (10 hrs a week). I haven't had to interview for either.
Rose Immortal said:
Thanks! :) I have informational interviews on the 29th of this month so hopefully I'll find out from that exactly which positions I should be targeting. I'm pretty nervous considering the only jobs I've ever held were a summer volunteer job at a library once a week, and my current graduate assistantship (10 hrs a week). I haven't had to interview for either.

Remember to treat it as if it was the real thing, which means you need to dress up..."job interviewing look."