Hearing impaired/Deaf folks, a Maryland gal wishes to say hi!


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
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This is a Maryland deaf gal living in Baltimore City, Maryland. I have been deaf since birth and am very much fluent in American sign language. I am quite shy away from saying more here, but if anyone who can come forward to chat with me, then, I may have more to say. I do have some questions about the Webcam and try to find some answers about it. Please do call me by e-mail. Thanks.

C. Ellison

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;).....
Hello Roadrunner in Ohio from CLEllison


Hi there, thank you very much for your warm welcome me to the AD. I hope I will enjoy and stay as well. The quote is so good to hear about the dream to hold on, and I agree. Is it your own quote? I have some questions about the webcam, if you know any. Anyway, I wonder will I be billed from a telephone company for having it-the Webcam? How will I hook it up without using any telephone and tty machine as well? I read somewhere telling me that there will be no need to use both telephone and tty, but I do not understand that the internet has to be connected with the telephone along with the phone service. Is this true? Thanks.


Roadrunner said:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf CLEllison! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf CLEllison!! I hope you will enjoy your stay here on this forum. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :thumb: