Hearing girl seeking to make friends


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
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Hello everyone! I'm hearing and learning to sign and wish to get to know more friends who are hard of hearing. Take care!
Hello everyone! I'm hearing and learning to sign and wish to get to know more friends who are hard of hearing. Take care!

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Hi! Nice to meetcha...People seem really nice here... i just joined not too long ago myself. Hope you like it here! Gimme a shout if you want to talk
Hi you are from Maine? It sure is a beautiful place! with lots of sea ad nature? I used to have a very good friend there who'll send me pics of his hometown and he's like my very own granddaddy but unfortunately we'd lost touch...
How's life for you there? I'm learning to sign using the SEE system in Singapore.
I dont have any contact with ppl who are non hearing. I only have a neighbour gal who was slightly deaf as she was born prematurely and is wearing a hearing aid now but I think she does talk as per normal. That is why I thought I'll join website with the deaf culture so that I could make friends and understand the culture better. You take care there.

Fiza :P
just a thought

Oh by the way are u hearing? and do comment if my way of asking is rude cos I have no idea what is right or wrong in putting myself to those hard of hearing. :ty:
Hi you are from Maine? It sure is a beautiful place! with lots of sea ad nature? I used to have a very good friend there who'll send me pics of his hometown and he's like my very own granddaddy but unfortunately we'd lost touch...
How's life for you there? I'm learning to sign using the SEE system in Singapore.
I dont have any contact with ppl who are non hearing. I only have a neighbour gal who was slightly deaf as she was born prematurely and is wearing a hearing aid now but I think she does talk as per normal. That is why I thought I'll join website with the deaf culture so that I could make friends and understand the culture better. You take care there.

Fiza :P

Yep im from Maine :) Its called the Vacation state for a reason, its a very beautiful place ( it sure doesnt help the job economy though! ). Life is the same as anywhere else Im sure, although I believe Maine is a bit behind the times compared to the rest of the USA.

Im actually doing the same thing, trying to get to know the deaf culture better also.
Oh by the way are u hearing? and do comment if my way of asking is rude cos I have no idea what is right or wrong in putting myself to those hard of hearing. :ty:

I am hard of hearing, which is the little place you see that's between the hearing world and the deaf world lol. I can hear a little bit, but not well at all. I get mostly by with what I can hear and reading lips. No offense taken, Im pretty open about it, and I believe most everyone here is open about it. It IS a Deaf Forum, so its about our hearing :P Actually I think its a great idea, its a means to educate the people who dont know what its like.
Hi again, Well we don't really have a deaf culture in Singapore? as claimed by my deaf instructor who was informed by an American instructor who came to Singapore.
Our special education sector is still emerging unlike in the US.
I'm trying to get myself involve with the deaf community here as I learn SEE.
As I teach kids with Autism, I guess I should also get to know other members of the society. Hoep u've had a great weekend.

Take care.

Am Kathy from tx,I am single and looking for something sensual that will last long,I am fun loving woman with good personalty,I am caring and love to smile at what life has to offer Good Or Bad. McDonalds loving it. The weather is fantastic and I never have to worry about being 'fashionably in' season by season. We don't have seasons! Shorts and T-shirt year round! So ya, I'm a caucasian.I have a diverse set of friends and I am really appreciative for having them because I am able to learn so much from their cultures. I especially love their food.
I am a Devoted Christian and Attended Catholic Heritage Christian University in Alabama,I love outdoor and like Volley ball,Basketball and like strolling on the beach with my Dog.
I come accross your profile and its really captivating and makes to send you a Message,Just want to let you know You are Cute and Sophisticated lol!!!I will like to chat with you if you dont mind.
These is my IM....coolkathy154 at yahoo dot com
Thanks and Nice Meeting you
Hi, so do you read lip? or u can somehow hear or with an aid?
Nice meeting you.
Hi so do you lip read? or using an aid or can somehow hear?
Nice meeting you.
Yes it is a combination of auditory and lipreading. I had normal hearing up until around my teen years when it started to decline. I am borderline severe now.