Hearing Gets Worse When Sick


Apr 27, 2016
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i got the Vomitting Stomach Bug and i noticed that my tintus was more noticable and my hearing was a little worse than it normally is. I can Understand a could a cold that but i have Vomitting, nausea, fever, headache and aches.

Does anybody else have experiences of that happening?
That happens to everyone.

A cold is known for messing with your senses.
Agreed. When your ears and sinuses aren't well it messes with hearing. But if you have a concern check it out with your doctor. Your symptoms may be of something else.
I get this too yet rarely does it include vomiting. For most people, the loss is temporary. For me, if the hearing drops when I get a cold/flu it often doesn't go back to what is was prior to getting sick. Like AlleyCat said you should see your doctor if you are concerned or this is not a normal pattern for you.
Having a virus is a lot worst than having a common cold so you will feel a lot worst , are you feeling any better today? Be sure to drink plenty of fluid if you're vomiting a lot .
I heard that bug stay with along time , some people get it for 2 weeks or longer .
Food has no taste when I am really sick my hearing get bad too and when there is bad rain storm is effect my hearing.
A bad rain storm affects hearing? Hmm That's a new one and one I've not heard of. How does that work?
A bad rain storm affects hearing? Hmm That's a new one and one I've not heard of. How does that work?
Congestion?? Those E-tubes (don't ask to spell it out) can be sensitive to barometric (sp) pressure, I imagine.
Congestion?? Those E-tubes (don't ask to spell it out) can be sensitive to barometric (sp) pressure, I imagine.

Ahh hmm yeah that does make sense now that you mention it. Have never experienced that with rain storms but during allergy season that does spike up.. even for my hearing friend who's allergic to Scotch broom... clogs her up good.