Hearing Ear Dogs How Many Of You Have 1


New Member
Aug 18, 2007
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I just wanted to know how many of you use Hearing Ear Dogs as I just received mine from the Lions Foundation Of Canada on June 6th now I don't know what I would do with out her. I know there are assistive devices out there to alert me to the same things she does in my home but not while where in other peoples homes or in shopping centres this she can do for me. The other thing they provide is unconditional love there always there at your side when your down it can be the best feeling at times. So if your thinking of getting an HED it could be the best thing you will ever do for yourself.
Don :D
hi, *waves a hand* .. I do.

(and I still hope vampyro won't hate me for it). :thumb:
I don't but I have 2 regular dogs for providing the unconditional love. Even without training they still alert me to lots of things just like a hearing ear dog.
We have two cats. One cat did great job as hearing ear cat. Just door bell or someone is on way to our house's front door.
I don't but I have 2 regular dogs for providing the unconditional love. Even without training they still alert me to lots of things just like a hearing ear dog.
yeah, a couple of my cats are like that. I'm planning to get one of my cat certificated so I can take her anywhere with me where dog would be too big in someplaces such as airplanes, munis, and churches or restaurants for less visual as it would be offensive to some folks.

the another reason I licensed my dog is because so he can get free food and vet care monthly for rest of his life too. it helps my tightening budget greatly.
i have been wanting one and did a several research on those... but not much i can find... perhaps you guys can explain how it owrk and how long it takes to get one and how much it usually cost?
Hello SpiedHD
I received my dog through the Lions Club Foundation of Canada for free they own the dog and I have the use of her as long as she live or comes to retire her then I will get a new dog. These dogs cost $20,000.00 to train from when there puppys in foster homes through traing and the average age for Hearing Ear Dogs is 18 months when you receive them. I went through 2 weeks of training with Ember to learn all the commands and how she works so we could become a team and they do match your personality with the personality of the dogs.Ember alerts me of the sounds I need her for as I suffer severe vertigo and the store lights on alerting devices are a trigger to me I lost my hearing due to Meniere's Disease and have total hearing loss now. With a hearing dog I feal safe now and have some independence again and even a CI can't do that if I had 1. When I 1st said about getting this dog to my family they said I don't need 1 but they still have not come to grips with me being totally deaf. Well being deaf is who I am now its a part of me and just another life change just like having an HED they change your life by hearing some impotant sounds like for me the smoke detector. Well good luck in making your decision whatever it may be just remember these are not meant to be pets they are working dogs.

Take Care Don

I have a hearing dog which I trained myself. If you'd like a picture (open to others here, too), feel free to pm me with your email address and will get you a picture of the two of us together.
Someday I would get me a hearing dog but right now, I do currently own a dog. It's the small, toy breed. It's miniature pinscher. Her name is Sushi. I love her too much. =D I could get another one but having 2 dogs at a time would be too much to handle due to my hectic schedule. =/

Still, I do love dogs! Dogs rules. Rock on.