hearing device for classrooms


New Member
Jun 14, 2009
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So I'm going to college next year. Throughout high school, I haven't been able to really hear my teachers, despite using hearing aids and always sitting in front. Luckily, I'm a bit smart so I managed to get along well enough with just the textbook. However, I get the feeling that this technique won't work in college. Anyone have an idea? I'm thinking about getting a small microphone for my teachers and some sort of earpiece I can wear, though that seems like a hassle. I might just get a cochlear implant too, though some other ideas would be nice.
I had the same issues as you did.

I tried with oral terps for a while but I still wasnt able to catch everything cuz lipreading didnt enable full access to what's happening around me in the classroom.

Got a CART but after a while my eyes would hurt from trying to read fast for long periods of times.

Started learning ASL so I tried an ASL terp. Never looked back. I finally understood everything without ending up with sore eyes and headaches.

You can try those 3. I dont know about hearing devices as you said your HA didnt help much.
Well the main reason they don't work so well is due to the large classrooms. I think if the voice was right in my ear, it might work. Erm, ASL means american sign language, I think... but what does CART mean?
No way. I always use subtitles when I watch a dvd or captions on tv. I've even joked about wanting real life to have subtitles... How well does this work?
No way. I always use subtitles when I watch a dvd or captions on tv. I've even joked about wanting real life to have subtitles... How well does this work?

Jiro made it all the way through college using it.

JClarke is using it right now in college.
Oh, it's an actual person, like a stenographer... I'm not quite sure that one would work out. I appreciate the help though, and I'm planning on looking into lip-reading.
Oh, it's an actual person, like a stenographer... I'm not quite sure that one would work out. I appreciate the help though, and I'm planning on looking into lip-reading.

As a former lipreader myself, I wouldn't recommend to depend on lipreading in your college classes especially if they are at an university where there could be over 100 students in a class. Sonme classes are 3 hours long..can u handle lipreading for that long and ensure that u will understand everything that is being said especially during discussions.

I went to Arizona State..I can't imagine having to lipread in all of mt classes. I would end up with headaches, fatigue and stress.

Just my advice as a former college student.
Well, maybe I can find a way to mix that with the microphone idea, maybe it will be less stressful.