Hearing, dating Deaf man


New Member
Apr 18, 2011
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Hello all. I am hearing, dating a Deaf man and found this website while researching Deaf life/culture. Sometimes I feel like I walked into France, I don't speak the language and I'm pretty sure I'm routinely offending people on a daily basis :)
For example, I probably should have researched how Deaf wake up in the morning before spending the night. Woke up to a bed shaker alarm which I was sure was a massive earthquake of some kind and since I live in the North this happens once every NEVER! haha..... promptly screamed, jumped up and hit my head soundly on the ceiling. Had to watch annoyed for the rest of the day as boyfriend explained to Deaf friends why I had a huge welt on my forehead.
So now I am researching. No more surprises :)
Learning ASL and Deaf culture. :wave:
Thank you for a wonderful forum with so much information.
Back in 1993, I had a hearing date over to my house. I was showing her how my alarm clock worked. She thought that was funny. She thought that I should get an alarm clock that would punch me when I wake up.

Now, I have a hearing girlfriend. She uses alarm on her phone. No alarm clock. Also, I am an early riser so no need for alarm clock those day.

Lol, you've a lot of sense of humor!!!
Sense of humor is right!

You're abosultely funny. I wake to my phone alarm on vibrate. Even not strong I am knowing what it is so I can wake up and not miss work. Welcome to the deaf community. I am knew here also and am newly deaf due to cancer. No worries. Have clean bill of health.
You're abosultely funny. I wake to my phone alarm on vibrate. Even not strong I am knowing what it is so I can wake up and not miss work. Welcome to the deaf community. I am knew here also and am newly deaf due to cancer. No worries. Have clean bill of health.

:shock: Deaf due to cancer!!!!!!?????? I have never heard of that. :shock:

Now that you have a clean bill of health and you gotta learn to live with deafness. So start signing in ASL. :wave: