Hearing - but Learning ASL!


New Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Hi There!

I've (very) recently started learning ASL in an effort to better serve my (occasional) HoH/ Deaf customers at work.
I've always had a fascination with ASL (I think it started with a The Babysitter's Club book about the Deaf child one of the girls started sitting... when I was like, 9.) I remember then buying a Sign Language book through my school's book ordering program (Scholastic anyone?), which I still have to this day. I haven't actually looked at it in a while, as it's probably terribly outdated, but I did use to to teach myself fingerspelling and a couple random signs that somehow managed to stick with me over the years.
In Recent years however, in working retail, I've encountered occasion HoH/Deaf customers, and have always been incredibly frustrated with having to write our communication on paper. I've looked into taking courses, but they're really expensive in my area, and I work full time (with random hours, so I can't say guarantee I'll have a specific set of nights off for classes).

But now, between watching two different TV shows with Deaf characters that were awesome, (Heroes Season 4 and Jericho) and a Deaf couple that frequents my work, I've finally sat down and started using online resources to learn ASL. I'm loving Lifeprint, it's great, but as I don't actually know anyone 'in real life' that signs, other than my two regulars, I figured this might be a good place to meet people and maybe get help when I'm stuck with my Signing. (or more likely, Grammar!)

Anyways! Hi! Nice to meet you all!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I assume that you are hearing which got you interest in serving the customers at work. You will learn a lot about us with our Deaf and HOH perspectives and Deaf Culture. So browse around what you can find some here on AD forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

I've been lurking about for a couple days reading threads - already learned so much.

Yes, Bebonang, I'm Hearing. =) I'm just tired of language barriers, and ASL is such an amazing language!