Hearie looking to make some friends


New Member
May 18, 2008
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I am 17 years old and fully hearing. However, i am currently trying to learn ASL in hopes of becoming an interpreter or teacher or something. (I'm not quite sure what job opportunities are out there.) I would love to make some friends that are Deaf, HoH, or know ASL so that I could learn more sign language, as well as to learn more about the Deaf culture and community.

Also, it'd be kind of cool to know how this site works :dunno:
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Wow, you are way early to make a decision on what you want to be like an interpreter or teacher or something. :wave:
Well, my elementary school was the one that all the deaf/HoH kids went to, and I loved learning sign language, although I didn't get a chance to learn much. I used to sit with a deaf girl at recess with a signing dictionary trying to make sense of what she was signing D:. I realized that I would have a blast learning ASL and (hopefully) making a career out of it.
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Enjoy being with us and hope the threads will interest you. :)
Welcome to AD. I hope you find the answers you are looking for!
:welcome: to Alldeaf and hope you find the right path for your future career! :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf!. I hope ya will enjoy reading and posting. :)

I hope you will find the right path for your future career. :)
:welcome: to AD!
i like you always liked learning asl...i knew since i was 8 i wanted to learn asl and b an intepreter! YAY for you!
you'll meet a lot of ppl here that have the same interest and most of all deaf/hoh
Welcome have fun!:wiggle:
Hey Welcome to Alldeaf and I hope you will enjoy the stay with us. :)
I am glad you are thinking of what you would like to be an interpreter or maybe a teacher for the Deaf or something relating to Deaf community. I understand your point. Wise decision. Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. You will learn a lot from us Deafies and Hard of Hearing people. Have fun with us. See you around. :wiggle:
Enjoy at this site and im pretty sure you'll finding a lot cool informatinos where you can learn. Btw, this is rocks, tho.. *thumb up*

No way, in today's economy who is going to be able to afford to pay for an interpreter?
also what about finding a Deaf boyfreind?
interpreting sounds nice, but its more truer if you want a personal relationship, as I do know what is the difference between PROFESSIONAL and PERSONAL relationships
like professional relationship is about money-taking and personal is about freindship
what'd you be?
No way, in today's economy who is going to be able to afford to pay for an interpreter?
also what about finding a Deaf boyfreind?
interpreting sounds nice, but its more truer if you want a personal relationship, as I do know what is the difference between PROFESSIONAL and PERSONAL relationships
like professional relationship is about money-taking and personal is about freindship
what'd you be?

:topic: The companies or the courts or the medical organizations, the mainstream schools, colleges with Deaf programs, and etc. They will pay for an interpreter pretty well and it is the law of ADA to hire an interpreter for the Deaf who needs to know what is going on. As for the Deaf boyfriend, this is her life, so butt out. She is just interest in us for making friends so that she can learn from us. How is that, Grummer? No hard feeling. :cool: