Headaches that cause vomiting


New Member
Oct 16, 2011
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Hi, All! You may remember from my previous posts that I was recently diagnosed with Otosclerosis. I am having some new problems recently and want your advice on whether they could be related to Otosclerosis, be Meniere's, or something else like migraines.

Twice now I have gotten a headache, not a particularly bad one, that starts some time in the night and lasts all the next day and sometimes longer. A few hours into the morning I get nauseous and actually throw up multiple times throughout the day. It feels like a hangover but I am not dehydrated and haven't been drinking. Nothing gets rid of the headache and it immediately worsens when I get up and walk around or bend forward.

Like I said, I've had this same phenomenon two times, separated by at least a month. There isn't any true (spinning) vertigo with it, but I feel off. I did a little reading online and it sounds like Meniere's, which I suspect I have. I have only been diagnosed with Otosclerosis which was confirmed on CT scan.

Can you have Meniere's and Otosclerosis at the same time?

The other thing that cam up in my search was migraine, although I don't think I get migraines, except for one possible "ocular" migraine that caused have my vision to go grey in the outer half of my right eye for several hours. Weird.

I would really appreciate any ideas or opinions.

By the way, I'm so glad you guys helped me connect with my deaf aunt, we have communicated in writing a few times. Thanks again!
I'm sorry no one has been able to answer your question. I wonder that too. I don't have meniere's or otosclerosis. But in the spring of last year so June of last year. I was eating at a resturant myself I had a headache. I don't remember if I took anything or not, but I ended up getting sick as well. then in the fall it got really bad where it was getting sick every day. sometimes there were no headaches. I'd just start eating and I'd get sick. Then just before I was done classes in Feb(I finished in March). I thought I had a vertigo epsiode as well. I had lunch at school,monday's were long this past semster, I'm walking toward the classroom and the hallway started spinning. I went to a ENT a few weeks later and she said no just a dizzy spell. So I guess I'm ok now. It just came and went on its own.
Yes, in theory, a patient can have both. They are caused by two different processes and involve different parts of the hearing/balance mechanisms. In a similar way, a patient can have both arthritis and a broken bone. See?

More importantly, if you are having headaches that wake you from sleep at night, you NEED TO see your doctor.
Yes, in theory, a patient can have both. They are caused by two different processes and involve different parts of the hearing/balance mechanisms. In a similar way, a patient can have both arthritis and a broken bone. See?

More importantly, if you are having headaches that wake you from sleep at night, you NEED TO see your doctor.

I have headaches that wake me quite frequently. I would say 1-2 times a week. Went to the doctor and his only comment was that it was related to another issue I have. Situational Anxiety Disorder. I have a prescription for something else and since one of the strong side effects is sleepiness, I take it at night and it puts me to sleep. I still wake up between 3-5am with a headache. Nothing to be done except to improve my living situation which is happening now. Six more months until completion.
Yes. But you already SAW your doctor. One presumes he ruled out the "alarm" diagnoses that can cause night-time headaches that wake patients from sleep. If Kelly has not seen a doctor, these things need to be ruled out.

Regardless, I wish you luck and best of health until things are better in 6 months for you!
Are they happening around that time of the month?

I Tinnitus but so far no diagnosis or Meniere's. I suffer from Migraines and Headaches quite often especially this time of the year.

My triggers are hormones especially that time of the month, weather, dairy, not enough sleep. All but the 1st 2 I can control. I have started eating more foods with iron before, during and few days after that time of the month and it has helped. I'm anemic so I need more Iron anyways. I don't take supplements. When I was pregnant I did but I still craved it and ate lots of ice which is a sign of low iron. Still love chomping on ice lol

Not sure if any of this helped thought I put it out there jic. You can have many different things going on in your body. Unfortunately having one issue does not negate getting any more.