Having friends who aren't religious - ok with you?

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i have no problem being friends with someone who has no religion, or has different religious views. im not a "normal" christian myself so im in no position to turn away someone because of their beliefs, or lack of beliefs. i have friends who are buddhists and friends who are agnostic and friends who are christians. it doesn't bother me. it actually makes me curious.

i like learning about people's beliefs and religions, see what they believe and what they dont believe. as long as they dont push their religion on me, its fine. and i would never push my religion on them.
I'm fine with people with different religions or ideas as long as there is mutual respect.
Fine with me, I dont judge; I have friends that are spiritual, christian, pagan, atheistic,etc.
I'm good with everyone as long as they don't worship the satan. I'm neutral and have alot of friends that are into different beliefs. Yeah, Its like if I hang around with a strong christian person, I just have to watch my language and cut down the dirty mind. ;)
I don't care what religion you are, as long as I can respect you and you can respect me.

I like inter-religious debate and have had some of the best when in a group with several different religions (including Wiccans, Christians, JWs, Catholics, Atheists, and Muslims).

I like to learn abt different religious because they offer us different perspective on how we should life and where do we go after we die.

Peace, people :cool:
I'm willing to be friends with anyone, regardless of their religion. The only thing that I ask of them is to not preach their religion to me or force it on me. :nono:
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