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Jun 4, 2004
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Apartment Ratings :: The leading source of apartment reviews by renters for renters.

Some of the reviews sounds like a horror story come true. Do you guys ever look at the reviews before leasing an apartment or something like that? Is it accurate or just drama spinning out of control? Some of them can be true cuz I saw some comments replying to a person about the bad experiences. Some of them were good reviews until it went downhill, probably different apartment managers or owners causing downhill of caring of the place.
I would not use, what someone think is a great apartment could be all wrong for me.
I've looked at some things like it. You have to take it for what it is. There are bad landlords and there are bad tenements. If the reviews can site legal issues and seem reasonable, I'd give the reviews some thought.

A lot of times, people don't understand or care to look at the law.
I always got to know the area and asked around personally before renting an apt. When my ex hubby and I moved to Maryland from AZ 14 years ago, we just risked it and ended up in a bad area. After a year of getting to know MD, we moved into a better area.
Yeah, it's hard to tell from the tenant's point of view while the management could be innocent. It would be a hard sell to ending up with a bad management/owner of the apartment complex.

How would I know if the apartment complex is safe by looking up by calling the police department or look at crime maps.
I have. If there are more negative reviews than positives about an apartment complex, then I'm less likely to want to check them out. But if they're mostly positives, ok. Sometimes the few bad negatives among the mostly positive reviews could be just because that particular tenant had a bad experience for whatever reason.

Funny enough, I do the public records for the local newspaper (all the police calls, arrest log, that sort of thing). I don't recall ANY police calls/incidents happening at the current apartment that I just moved to... but at the former apartment, there was ALWAYS something going on. I didn't always know about them right away, but would see them in the police calls the next day when I got to work. Auto burglaries, theft, family fights, gun shots fired (wtf?!) drugs, wanted persons, juvenile problems, all that. I mean, just this past weekend a wanted person was arrested at the former apartment complex. O_o glad I moved out! This apartment complex does background checks and don't allow criminal activity... uuhhh ok then why is all this crap appearing in the public records then? just nuts.
Problem with things like this is the problem with anything and everything about customer service. You will ALWAYS have those DOUCHES... ( I could use a lot more offensive language here believe me ) That are never happy... Seriously, no matter what you do, how hard you kiss their butt, they are ALWAYS going to be a drama queen and go over the top with their complaint and crap. These people are everywhere... It's ridiculous... So I always go check it out for myself, and am thorough when I search through or look at anything. I never trust people, because again... you always have THOSE people... You know who I'm talking about... Customer service is the WORST industry to be in EVER... Just because these drama queens... Maybe some of these did actually have a bad experience, but $100 bucks says one story started as "It took them forever to come fix my garbage disposal" and one of those drama queens that has nothing better to do than to go around online and write reviews all day on people turned such a simple issue into " My garbage disposal was broken which started a water leak in my apartment and caused the floor to have a weak spot and then bugs started to get in and when I told the manager she said I'd have to wait and it wasn't a big deal" When their garbage disposal was just jammed, it wasn't a priority and the apartment had bigger more important urgent issues to deal with... and because they think their gods gift to earth they got mad and threw a temper tantrum that made even the most demon behaved child look like an angel... Yes, these people are everywhere... and I hate them... <3