Have you ever try to talk to.....



someone (hearing people who don't know any sign) and they said I dont understand you and all..?
yes, tons of the time...

i end up fk them... or write on the papers. to communicate with them.

it has to be sucks sometimes. :D
I have no plm to communicate with others but.. Im getting tired when some people didnt even LOOK or decided to say something quick while i say something to that person.. Like today .. when I tried to tell her something.. she said *i dont understand you*.. I said LOOK .. i dont understand you.. I waved and said *LOOK*.. she pissed me off. its like she decided and said she doesnt understand me if I started to say hey..

Other store with my good friend. I requested something to order. She grabbed a note and pencil.. I told her I do not need them... and she was afraid to deal with deaf people? I said *LOOK.. i want this and that*.. she felt so fool..

My assume that people need to STOP from treat them different like they dont understand them at all.

I hardly to write a note and all. Even I go some places like restaurant(s) I can order something I want.. without write any note.
Not really, I've had no problems with communicating any hearies, If they don't understand, I'd simply just repeat and try to tell them more clearer..if that fails, just write on the paper..but that rarely happens for me
I'd rather write a note at least I can get my point across

but one thing if someone say at a restaurant (hearie) signs for the 1st time I still insist that notes be passed around lest there be misunderstandings until I am certain the person knows how to sign well (and sometimes I make expections to that rule)
I dont have problem, since i can speak very well..
if they dont understand, just tell them that you are deaf.. and write down note.. that all.. i dont have anyone who have fits with me.. but ofc at my kids' school, they have no respects.. :madfawk: hehe
Originally posted by MsGiglz
I dont have problem, since i can speak very well..
if they dont understand, just tell them that you are deaf.. and write down note.. that all.. i dont have anyone who have fits with me.. but ofc at my kids' school, they have no respects.. :madfawk: hehe

:lol: yeah.. if they dont respect us deaf parents, they'll have to learn not to mess with us :squint:
My good freind who is hard of hearing.. She had to laugh at me when I gave my attitude toward to that person.. when i said LOOK Look.. are you stupid or what? I said I want this (order) but that person' manager had to take her place and she got what I said.. Sometime people are afraid to communicate with deaf people.
I do sometimes lack of communcation with hearing people, my dad don't undy what I talking about so I always depend my mom for interpeter for me ha!!
I ALWAYS write with them I DO not want to be confused if theres a diffcult instructions... .
I have difficulties understanding some HoH peeps that try talking to me. 2 people that I can think of. I is portuguese and she talks fast. The other, I just don't understand well. I prefer them to sign cuz I NEED practice.
yeah almost ALL the time...it really sucks ass, i tell you
if I am at restaurtant, I would point to any food I want.

If I am sitting in a club... I would write in the note.. and passing to the person, back and forth. :-D

no big deal with me. :-D
I tend to point out the menus at any restaurants. If I meet hearing people at social events or wherever I go, I tend to write down on a piece of paper back and forth.
I don't let that bother me. As long as someone wants to get his/her point across to me...I let them do what they want. I even help them know how to do it.

Nothing wrong with educating them.

Same for when I talk to them...

Persistent is the key.
That rarely happens to me. Importantly, it takes patience. Some people don't have the patience to communicate with others so they aren't worth it.
I used to put in some efforts to communicate... now I just don't give a fuck about it. If they put effort in it. Then it's all good. :D
if I see a hearing person or whatever I just use a pen and paper I have pen and memo pad in my purse all the time ;) if I want something I wud just point at it if something is near me what i want I wud just point at it.. if I want something they don't understand I have to write it down ugh.. it's funny that my bro don't realize i can order for myself :eek:
Interesting in Ukraine and former U.S.S.R. all stores like donuts glasses (undy what I mean) deaf way to point out what they want/need cashiers try to find right ones like if cashier gotta to pick thing we would say not that other right or left, or up or down cashiers have used that but here at Supermarkets (there are no like supermarkets in former U.S.S.R. before but now my mother told me start to build some, cool, I havent seen there) more easy to pick.