Have you ever seen hacked road signs?


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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I wonder why I never get to witness these things..

Loose gorilla? Prankster messing with traffic warning sign in Loomis - Roseville/Placer County News - The Sacramento Bee

Loose gorilla? Prankster messing with traffic warning sign in Loomis
Published: Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012 - 8:29 am
Last Modified: Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012 - 9:45 am
Somebody is having a little fun with a traffic warning sign in Loomis.

Josh Carroll, 19, noticed the first message last week near Wells Avenue and Barton Road that read "Smoke Weed Everyday." The second read "Caution Loose Gorilla!" -- and the third was profane.

Somebody was able to type a new message onto the sign on three separate nights, said Carroll, who lives close to the mobile digital warning sign.

Tony Firenzi, senior engineer for the Placer County Water Agency, said the sign is supposed to have a message warning residents that Wells Avenue will be closed in the future for pipeline construction. The sign is being operated by a private contractor performing the pipeline work for a commercial developer on the PCWA project.

Firenzi said it took some technical skill and a keyboard for the prankster to change the message.

"It is rather difficult to get into them," said Firenzi. "There is some kind of electronic equipment that is needed to access the computerized system. There must be some pretty savvy people out there who were able to bypass all of that."

Locks are also being changed, said Firenzi.

Read more here: Loose gorilla? Prankster messing with traffic warning sign in Loomis - Roseville/Placer County News - The Sacramento Bee

Rush hour ones would have been interesting to witness:
It's kind of funny, especially, if they are not changing critical messages. (Like 'left lane closed', etc.)

I've never seen hacked road signs, myself.
I love that
i haven't seen like this before. If it did happen i would laugh when im in a traffic that is for sure!
I've never seen one in person before but I LOVE looking through pictures of them. Some of them are fantastic!

I did see a stop sign with "war" spray painted under "stop". If there wasn't a ton of traffic I'd have taken a picture. I'll get it next time.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eUZJ4pcFSk]News Story Nazi Zombie road sign hack - YouTube[/ame]
Wirelessly posted

Not to hard to hack most have simple password and a keyboard. I used to messages to coworker on signs sitting on the yard. We have had some changed most were profane
llol love this thread...id find some more...to post...and ...ive freinds who loves wardriving...maybe if we can (and i have access to those working in city councils' traffic network LOL)...see what happens...
BUT one thing...we dont have those big LlGHTED signs anywhere here , except for the "speed read-out and "slow-down"....hmmm...be nice to fiddle with that one LOL
I haven't seen these either. The first one posted about the Gorilla happened in my area. Didn't even hear about it. I will have to ask around to see if anyone I know saw it and what their reaction was. As long as it doesn't hurt anything, I think their quite funny. The signs in traffic would crack me up!!! The other day on our local highway a small plane landed in an emergency. That was very strange to see. They repaired it, closed the highway in both directions and it took off two hours later.