Have u..

Oh perfect for me say that... espically debt card..
Which thanks to my hubby took it.. I wasn't expecting..
I went to the food store and bought lot of foods.. somehow the clerks waits for me.. I was so huge red face and wonder'n where is my frigg'n debt card go? I pulled things everything out of my purse and line up were unpleasant looks at me.. I said sorry, and kept contuine searching... and finally spotted my hubby walks into the food store.. I kinda embrassement, and tell clerk can you wait for minutes, and will get my husband.. *huge smiling respond to clerk* ((running and pulled his arm)) *hysterically where damn my debit card ?* He said oh... I forgot put it back your purse.. and asked me what wrong w/your face turns into RED? replied.. YES.. thanks to you.. Line up and clerks were waiting for me damn pay debit now... He said oh.. ha ha.. okay.. walk slow.... plenty looks so mellow attudies.. I walk back to asile line.. and ready for pay debit.. here's my hubby is coming... Clerks looked at my hubby, *smiled back* ((swiping debit card)) done paid.. *groan* took me for 10 minutes searching my debit card...

My hubby and I went into our suv... asked him why you took mine ? He said.. borrow because his debit card wasn't working.. so thought could use mine.. I told him.. GET HIS OWN DEBIT , don't be lazy direct to the bank and ask them away replace new one!
Made me think "Lost debit card??"
Few wks ago!
FreeWoman, it happens to me with clothes. I will go looking for something in particular and can't find it, or can't find it in my size, or in a color I like. Then when I'm shopping for something else, there it is!

When that happens, I just go ahead and buy it if I can. I'm small but curvy, and its always hard for me to find clothes that fit right, so I don't pass up something I like when it turns up.
:dance2: Just recently, I left a check and the cable bill on my kitchen table. I asked my husband to go to the cable company and please pay the bill. So, he had to go out and run some errands, and of course, I am thinking the cable bill is in his hands. So, I clean around, and started to clean the kitchen table and get back to it's neat phase again as everyone in the house has this thing about throwing things on my table. A couple of hours later, my husband comes home, and I asked him how he made out with the cable bill, and he said he didn't go yet. Where's the bill and check? I told him on the kitchen table. He's looking and cannot find it. Now I am panicking!! Looking all over the house because I knew I left it on the table. My husband looks in the garbage, low and behold there was the check and the bill. I absentmindedly had thrown it away with all the junk mail that was on the table. Now, I try to be more careful.
It also happened to me sometimes before... :thumb: It's exact, Tousi :rofl:

We went to shopping last saturday. I know I did pick scottish cookies with alot of foods and drink... We went home to put foods and drink away to fridge, cupboard, etc...

Later I want to have cookie for my afternoon tea. We can't find where cookie are... :confused: I KNOW exact I did TOOK it because I need it badly... We look for everywhere where cookies is but none.... Huh? I can't remember where I place cookies when I put foods and drinks away to fridge, cupboard....
:giggle: It must be quite frustrated!

Next time: Don't look for anything! Just scuffle through the racks and pick whatever attire you will like to have!! It works for me... but it sure kills my budget...! ;)

I only *tried* a couple of times to narrow down my search when I want to buy a piece of clothes... especially when it come to professional clothes-- I need a nice black or brown slacks/pants... I have enough khakis and jeans to last me a lifetime. But I can never find one I like! Too many of them are flared or pinstriped. NOT MY THING!

(is STILL on the hunt for black/brown/dark color pants and some nice buttoned-up shirts)