Have u met anyone who is famous or do u want to meet famous people someday?

lol - well Im afriad that wont be anytime soon - she's going to the county hotel for 45 days for driving on suspended license.

And adding to my list of famous people ----

I just met Keith Jackson, SR. Nice guy, not stuck up at all, but my god he is a giant!! I felt like a little ant next to him, lol.
I've met, Lance Berkman (Houston Astros' player), Oliver North, George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara Bush, Earl Campbell (Former NFL player, Heisman Trophy winner, ex-Longhorns player, and hall of famer), General Hagee (Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps) and Governor Rick Perry (Governor of Texas).

I'd like to meet John Cena, Tim Duncan, David Robinson, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, John McCain, Colin Powell, Norman Schwarzkopf, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood and more. lol
I've met famous people:

Billy Sims, Steve Owens and Jason White - Former OU (university of oklahoma) star players and Hesiman Throphies;
OU Coach Barry Switzer - I saw his car at OU football game and handshakes with him.
Bill Goldberg - my high school, my jewish group(In fact he is jewish) and WWE Star. He graduated from my high school in 1985. He was very cute guy I have his pix in my yearbook.
Cindy Chupack -Director for "Sex in the city" - my classmate from high school and graduated with me at same year of 1983. Her parents are friend with my parents for longtime cuz they are jewish. Last time I saw her at my high school reunion few years ago.
Jeannie Tripplehorn - Actress - was played on "Water World" with Kevin Conster. She graduated from my high school in 1981.
Spencer Tillman - CBS Sport Achor/OU Star player - he graduated from my high school in 1982
US Representative John Sullivan - his wife and I were graduated from high school in same year with Cindy Chupack. I met Mr. Sullivan at my high school reunion few years ago. Mr. Sullivan and I become good friend.
Jay Sekulow - Famous Best Attorney on TV and friend of mine - American Civil Justice and Liberty (he is very jewish believer and my attorney who helped my case to win in past).
U.S. Judge Greg Frizzell - his wife and I were classmate at same year in 1983 with Cindy Chupack and Mr. Sullivan's wife. I met Greg at my high school reunion few years ago.
ME?!?!?!? - Yes, this is believe or not believe.. this is no joke!
I've met

Globetrotters *80's*
Ed Waterstreet (filmed in Love is never Silent) TWICE!
I did met few football players before they entered into Pro. I forgot their names but I need to find pictures of it.

I don't remember if I met any more. Someday hope to meet Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, and few others. And I wanted to meet ALL of Days of our Lives actors/actress :lol:

I did met one of the Survivor, deaf one..I forgot her name..Christy something? I didn't have picture taken :( But we did talked. I forgot asked her one question Oh well! It's ok at least we met!

And last one was TOYS, I am not sure if they are famous...they are from Russia and their show was AMAZING!!!
I met Kevin McHale when I was eight or nine at the mall. It was either 1982 or beginning of 83. I was looking for clothes for Easter with my family in Jordan Marsh and he was shopping with either his kids or kids of someone he knew.
Oh yes, I have autographs from two other people. Rosco from the Dukes of Hazzard was at a car show a couple of years ago up here so I have that. I also have an autograph of Lou Ferrigno, (sp?), the guy who turned into the Hulk in the 70s. He was at a Sci-Fi convention. He's still a big guy!
I've met....

-Jack Wagner ( General Hospital and singer )

-Barbara Mandrell ( Country singer )

-Vince Gill ( Country singer )

-Rick Springfield ( General Hospital and singer )

-Big Chuck Lit John

I would like to meet Terri Schiavo in heaven some days....( My sister and I did went to Florida on March 2005, hoping to give her some water but she died at 9:05 a.m. EST on Thursday, March 31, 2005, 14th day without food and water which we were too late, we found out she died during the time we were setting up rib cook-off in Florida but we still went there and saw her parents and the lawyer... :( )

I never meet any famous people before. I always wanted to meet Diana Spencer. I know that she passed away. She was my big fan.
Oh yeah one more thing!

I wanted to meet casts from L-Word. Love that show!! :thumb:
My dreaming is wanting to meet greatest famous people:

Bill and Hillary Clinton
JFK (I wish he still alive today)
Jean Claude Van Damme
Jackie Chan
Jimmy Carter
Tom Cruise
Sandra Bullock
Keanu Reeves
William Petersen
George Clooney
Jonathan Togo
Carmine Giovinazzo
Eric Close
Enrique Murciano
Adrian Peterson - Star OU football player.. now attend Minnesota Vikings!
I have had my share of meeting big names.

Brad Hulings Former SNO PRO snowmobile racer under Mercury, Polaris, and Scorpion Squadron racing teams in the 70s. I met him at 1980 SNO PRO race in Weedsport, NY. I didnt realize it was him in the restaurant at the track there and walked up to him. No other fans notice him. I was fortunate to meet him and discover he is short!

"Mighty" Marv Jordenson World speed record on a snowmobile. Met him at the BIG EAST Snowmobile Show.

Ralph Gilles VP of Truck Design at Dodge/Jeep division. Ralph designed the popular Chrysler 300c and Dodge Magnum vehicles. I ate dinner with him at a design conference in Detroit, MI. Very nice man. Very informative. No wonder he got promoted easily!

Brian Nielander D-C designer of ME 4-12 Supercar concept vehicle. He was awarded with best concept vehicle design in 2004 that year along with another designer. Brian also was noted for his Dodge Tomhawk vehicle (not a motorcycle!) Really nice man! Exchanged business cards.

Dutch Mandel Editor of AutoWeek. Same conference annually.

Ed Welburn GM VP of Design (chaired the same seat the Late Harley Earl, Bill Mitchell, Jordan, and others sat). Same conference--2004.

Gorgio... Well renouned Italian automobile designer who designed VW Rabbit and Golf in the 70s that made other makers to copy that boxy style (Horizon, Omni, Chevelle, etc.) Hard to talk since he has no understanding of English that well. Only Italian!

US Congressman James Walsh (R-NY) My congressman in my area. Met him a few times. Nice man! He does listen to our needs.

Roy Clark He was in town and on Sunday, my family and I went to this private golf country club for brunch and he was there eating as well. I walked up to him and said hi! He gave me something I forgot. Oh well!

A professional hockey player He was married to someone whose father was the boss of my mom's friend's husband who worked at the bank. He came to a family cook out one day. This was in 1980 and he played for the Rangers. I am sorry I forgot his name!

A Christian singer I got her autograph when she was in my hometown's largest Christian bookstore. I had no idea who she was at all and I felt bad for her. I dont listen to music much at all.

Marvell Burgress Former Miami Dolphins and Washington Redskins football player. He was my landlord when I used to live in Miami. He is the boyfriend of my ex-fiance's sister. I am not married to this one!! I am married to Tara who is from my hometown! Hope that clear for you! Marvell is nice. He is one of a BIG guy! I mean huge!

1987 Syracuse Orangemen Basketball Team I used to work in the theaters that year and they all went to see a movie twice... two separate times they went to same theaters. To be honest, they were rude and show-offs. I disliked their personality and their ways. Horrible! One fooled me asking me to come up and then he slapped a high five. My boss got mad at me but I told him he tricked me and I knew the rules.

Only one I can say is nice and this one player really liked me as a buddy:

Rony Skeliy (sp) Rony was very quiet and humbled. I first met him at a now defunct bookstore at Shoppingtown Mall since we bumped into each other unexpectly as we both were looking at books. We talked. He is tall and nice guy! Then when I was working one night, he and his show offs showed up at the theaters, Rony walked quickly and went straight to me to give me his ticket to go in to see this movie and he said he didnt like his team act that way. I said something in agreement. I forgot what the name of that movie they went to see.

They went to see another one but I was working at one of the screen that one of the players showed off with the high 5. I can not remember now who. But will never forget Rony. He remembered me too well! We saw a few times more and he and I waved like we are buddies and talk a bit each time.

G-Mac. Gerry McNarrma (SP). SU 3-point shooter star. He is about short as I am (I am 5 feet 3 inches tall). I met him at a church I visited and people told me who he was and I was introduced. He was bit shy and quiet. Nice though.

Kane Kodder A real nice stunt man who is a giant playing Jason in Friday the 13th movies. He visited NITD/RIT one night back in 1988.

Carroll Shelby Famous retired automobile racer and customized Mustangs in his name. Does Shelby Cobia sounds familiar? That is him. Actually it was designed by J. Mays.

J. Mays Designer of the New Beetle, Shelby Cobia, and many other Ford models. He is bit off the wall, to be honest. Weird. Maybe that is why Ford send him back to Europe for his lacking of creativity.

Peter Holbert VP of Design at Ford replaced J. Mays recently.. and met him at the conference.

Kiki Wof Automobile racer. One of pioneer female indy car racer and Microsoft gaming designer.

Bill and "Hill" Clinton The sore losers at the NYS Fairgrounds. Back in 2000, I went up to Dinosaur BBQ to order dinners for 2. I didnt know that Bill and Hillary were up at Dinosaur behind me. I was unaware of that since people told me afterwards. I am GLAD I MISSED those two eye-sore Socialists garbage there. I did not meet them at all. They only saw my back! Haha. VOTE REPUBLICANS PLEASE!!!

Willie Aadams Born Again Christian actor formerly of "Eight is Enough" and Bibleman! I met him at Kingdom Bound Christian week at Darien Lake back in late 90s. Got his autograph and his prayer requests. He asked me to pray for Dick Van Patten and co-star "Charles in Charge" Scott Bailo (sp) for salvation. I asked him to pray for my brother who has MS.

Sefano ..... LPGA player. Beautiful Italian professional player whom I met when she was here for raising funds for a deaf agency back in the early 90s at the same country club where I met Roy Clark had his sunday brunch two decades eariler.

I think I ran out of all memories of famous people I met. Haha. I am sure more will come up in mind.

Now, I can tell you other stuff!

This section is people I knew whom they have connection to famous people.

Richard Gere Richard grew up in Cicero-North Syracuse and his parents still live there. Often I was mistaken for Richard since we have similar greying hair. I get female fans come up to me for autograph. Haha. Well, my wife is the nurse for a patient--Homer Gere, father of Richard. I have friends who went high school with Richard.

The Baldwins The hothead Alex and his brothers such as Stephen.. Well, his parents live in Camillus, NY. I have people I know who knew the family.

Bob Goldwaight (sp) Bob was born and raised in DeWitt, NY. He went to the same private high school where my mom worked and oh.. the priests there told my mom they had enough of Bob going crazy in school. They almost send him to the funny farm--aka--mental institution! That is how crazy Bob is! I knew friends who went to same school as Bob.

The priests also told us that Bob went to the prom in his fishing pants and jumped into the water foundation decorated for the prom.. That is when they almost send him off to the farm. Bob ruined their hard work to make the prom a success! Maybe that is why Nikki Cox isnt married to Bob. She married another comedian! Go figure!

Now, there you have it!

I would like to meet quite a bit of stars. And when I was younger, I wanted to meet many female stars, singers, etc.. who were single.. Whitney before she married, Marah, Cindy Lauper, Alexandra Paul and the baywatch girls including Erika Elaniak, Nicole Eggart, Jasimah Blyth (sp), Hallie Barry, Mary J. Blige... even when I was a kid.. Kathleen Coleman (Land of the Lost of the 1970s), and that girl on Witch Mountain, and many more!!! I will have to dig up my memory for the rest of the females. Haha. Well, I didnt marry one of them. I almost did marry former model. Two models in fact! One back in 1993 but she cheated on me.. The other from Miami.. we didnt work out.. Both are deaf. Now, I can not reveal their names for the sake of privacy and safety. Sorry folks! Now I am off to watch the Amazing Race!! I am going for Charla and Mirina! Charla has a disability. She is a little person with under 4 feet tall.

Now, I dont really care for those models, stars, singers.. they pretty much have the "Wild Girl Party" Sydrome--especially Paris, Nicole, Jessica Simpson, Linsday, and Britney. They sucks!
I wonder if concerts are also count?

I saw Gun N Roses, New kids on the block, and few others I don't remember. I need to look at the pictures! LOL!
I would love to ride roller coaster with Gil Grissom (from CSI; Crime Secene investigation)
Lots of famous people - mostly well known in England and Australia - For USA I am not too sure??

Queen - about 5 times
Prince Phillip
Prince Charles - about twice
Princess Diana
Princess Anne
Prince William
Prince Harry

Margaret Thatcher and her husband

Norman Wisdom

Harry Secombe

Sharron Davies - British Olympic Swimmer

Peter Everit - Australian Football Rules, we went to our friend's wedding!

Sir Douglas Bader - (Reach for the Skies) a war hero who lost both his legs and flying.

John Thaw and his wife (not in this picture lol)

Carla Bonner - (Stephanie = Neighbour - Famous Aussie Tv Soap)

Judi Dench

Lionel Rose - Australian Boxer

Cilla Black

Joan Collins

And more!! All these people I remember as I lost a list of famous people I met somewhere in my house!!
Had meet Robin Williams, Senator Kennedy several times, Addam Family in 1970's, M*A*S*H*, JAWS from 007, Hulk (deaf actor), New England Patroits football several players and cheerleaders.

Tom Brady drove through the window at McDonald when my son worked that day. Asking him for his autograph. ;)

I bet your son has that framed and displayed in his room or home. I would love to meet Tom Brady someday
One thing I want to tell you -- old famous people in the Bible that I want to meet:

King David
One thing I want to tell you -- old famous people in the Bible that I want to meet:

That reminds me; I did meet one person that was mentioned in the bible;

Pharaoh of Rameses II

He was the Pharaoh that confronted Moses in the Exodus story of the Bible.

I met him when there was a traveling Egyptian exhibit, twenty years ago, and his mummified remains were pretty well preserved! I found it pretty awesome to come face to face with a character that was mentioned in the Bible. The rest of the Egyptian exhibit had a lot of cool stuff, too.

That reminds me; I did meet one person that was mentioned in the bible;

Pharaoh of Rameses II

He was the Pharaoh that confronted Moses in the Exodus story of the Bible.

I met him when there was a traveling Egyptian exhibit, twenty years ago, and his mummified remains were pretty well preserved! I found it pretty awesome to come face to face with a character that was mentioned in the Bible. The rest of the Egyptian exhibit had a lot of cool stuff, too.

Interesting! I would like to meet Pharaoh Tut (I think right name). I have heard lot about him on history and discovery on TV. I like to explore on Phymrid and see what they have something inside.
I forgot to mention another famous person nearby.. I was hungry and wanted to get something to eat, I drove up to Wendy's and someone in front of me was none other than Nolan Ryan! He has Texas plates and his name on it and I had to drive up to the side of his car to get a good picture of him. I remembered him playing ball back in 20th Century so that helped me to see if that is him. It was him. He went to Wendy's on his way to his hotel or get back on the Thruway (right up the road from Wendy's). I noticed in the papers his minor league team was in town and Nolan was also scouting. This was two years ago. It was late in evening like 10pm-ish.

He drove quite a bit of miles to get here in my hometown in Upstate NY from Texas!! Wow! Perhaps he had other stops for his team. Clearly he would not want to ride the bus like he used to when he was a player.

Good question about concerts. You could say so but you never met.

About meeting people. I have had goals to meet quite a bit of people. Using the entire human history, I would love to meet pretty much everyone in the Bible and most important of all is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour.

I also would like to meet Leonardo Da Vinci, Michealangelo, Raphel, Edgar Hettieen (Founder of Arctic Cat and Polaris), Carl Eliason (snowmobile inventor), J. A. Bombardier (Founder of Ski-Doo, etc.), The 70s Boston Celties team, Dan Marino of Miami Dolphins, Don McNabb, Tiger Woods, ViJay Sigh, and quite a bit of big names from PGA--Jack, Arnold, Gary Player, Peete, Lee, Wayne Levi, and others. From Hollywood, Chuck Norris, Jessica Alba, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamil, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Francis' daughter Sophia Coppola, and Nick Coppola (Nick "Cage"), Scott Hylands, Alan Royal, Jeff Wincott, Deanna Bray, I forgot his name.. that same actor who played Sue Thomas' boss (Black Canadian Actor who also was on "Night Heat"), Carroll O Conner, Jean Claude Van Damme (met his nephew and JC Van Damme knows sign language--hint, go watch that movie about a fireman who stopped terrorists from blasting a hockey game finals), Jackie Chan, Stephen Seagel, and other action and martial art experts, Paul Newman, Christopher Lloyd (Doc from Back to the Future), Micheal J. Fox "Marty Mc Fly", The female actresses I already mentioned but more: Kathleen Coleman of Land of the Lost when I was a kid, Missy Gold, Dana Plato (before she drugged herself up and OD) of "Different Stokes", Eva Menles, Eveangelia (LOST), Cindy Waldo, Karl Michelson of "Give me a Break!", Ann Marie Johnson of "In the Night of the Heat", Cato DePablo of NCIS, BETTY!! OF COURSE!!! America Ferrera.. Shhh!! LOL! ;) Oh of course, many more women when they were or still single to this day.

I would like to meet President Bushes, Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Abe Lincoln, the Founding Fathers. Sorry no Democrats!!! Well, maybe I do just to make many good points at them!!!! Hee hee!!

Business world: Walt Disney, Edgar--founded Arctic Cat and Polaris, David Buick (Buick cars??), Warren Buffett, Thomas Edison (deaf inventor of light bulbs and founder of GE), Henry Ford (only about the good side of business, not the dirty part that caused formation of unions), and of course, Alexander G. Bell (inventor of HEARING AID, NOT TELEPHONE!!)

Harley Earl, founding member of automobile design in early 20th Century, Bill Mitchell. Ann Davis of Brady Bunch, Bob Denver "Gillian", Skipper Alan Hale (I met a woman who went to my brother's high school who is a neice of the late actor Alan Hale) and the entire casts of Gillian's Island, Emergency!, Ah, I almost forgot, Jill.. whatever from the Love Boat when I was a teen (when she was older), and the entire cast of Love Boat, oh I can go on and on.. maybe I will add more later! Hee hee!!!