have u ever wanted to decorate ur family's home as a suprise?


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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I know i have wanted to do that and i did recently

mom bought some new stuff for the kitchen and didn t know where to put them so i kicked them out of the house two days ago and using the * trading spaces* tv show i took a bit of decorative place made some better spaces for the kitchen usage, gave the kitchen a bit of a hawaiian theme along with a bit of california theme,
the microwave cabinet cart they got for the kitchen is now hawaiian style with all the plastic glasses and wine goblets that mom uses when she wants a relaxation drink, those were set on top of the cabinet, and the things they had under the microwave was moved to another area and i put all the old dishes we used for fancy dinners under there for easier access. the inside storage area is now full with ice tea jar and vases so those won't get knocked over and then i made the top of the refridge with some fake flowers and a simple vase to give the kitchen some colorful flavor. there will be some more extensive changes over this weekend will be moving some stuff out of the closet from my room and adding another shelf for my sister so she and her hubby can use that for thier own storage usage and will add another side table when the time is permittable....So that's the plan so far :) heh plan to do more changing around here to make things more roomy for my sister and larry.
oh yeah i would like to do that to my mom but once i know my mom very well ... so I can't change round the house otherwise she would blow her mind out into nowhere !! so No thanks ! lol

I really enjoy watch trading space show it is soo neaatttt show and i have learn something from it which i haven't thought of that ... so i will being copycat from trading space when the money is permit lol
i would hehe but ahh knowing mom -- she LIKES doing it herself -- shes done the top floor and is doing her project at grandma's right now working on the dining room area and i LOVE it! looks VERY 1800s-ish and ive complimented mom on that with a suggestion she keep that sort of theme throughout the house as the house was indeed built back in 1860 or thereabouts (plus/minus 5 years) and the spirits of former owners at grandma's house would be much pleased i imagine :lol:
I would get my ass kicked if I did that to my mom...I saw my (her side) grandma do that to my mom when my mom tried to surprise her mother with a new kitchen makeover. :p

Like mother..like daughter.
yea.. i wud love to have 'while u were out' team to help me to decorate my moms home.
OH I LOVE that show too and i like trading spaces thier so neat to watch!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by deafclimber
yea.. i wud love to have 'while u were out' team to help me to decorate my moms home.

I love that show too. I want to redo my mom's kitchen, still in its 1970s decor.