Have anyone ever had an open relationship?

To be frank, I think it's wrong, not only to mention that it's somewhere gross to share your spouse as if she's a toy with your friends or total strangers. What about STDs? Condoms don't always prevent that.

An marriage is about a commitment.

There is no such thing as an open marriage because people aren't committed to each other despite their legal status.

No Difference some of open marriage who want enjoy their swinger swap sex style. I've heard about this one.. Pretty creepy!

I'd rather my hubby rest of my case!
Sorry, but I think open marriages are just not right. Ppl give vows to be loyal and faithful to the other person.

I believe what ppl do in their bedroom needs to be done with only someone that they care about and love. If it is a open relationship, I also feel that the person don't have the respect of their partner and themselves.

Besides, if end up having a kid with someone outside the marriage, what you going to do? The outside party really does not have to stick around or can force help. Also can lead to other problems.
Sorry, but I think open marriages are just not right. Ppl give vows to be loyal and faithful to the other person.

Well said. :)

Vows are meant to be not broken--over the last few decades, the meaning of the word: vows..have lost its sacred meaning and purpose, that's also a sad thing as well.

(btw, I don't believe in 'open relationships while married'....)
One of my daughters had tried open relationship.....IT SUCKS.... nearly destroyed her marriage.... she and her husband still fights ... jealousy was main reason...
It is not me wanting an open relationship. It could be married couple, bf/gf, or companions who are into open relationship. I am curious about pros and cons on open relationship. Or anyone on AD had experiences in open relationship. Like/Dislike. Debate!

Nope, nope, nope. not into that! Im really into monogamy only. Hey, but my ex wife was sure into it. She just didn't want to tell me. Thats why Im looking again I guess.
i never and never will believe in open relationship.. i think its lame..

even if you have a "girlfriend" shouldn't have an open relationship..

i believe it is a major reason why people break-up, divorce just because of that.
Jealousy can happen in "closed" relationships same as open relationships. The important thing is that both partners talk it out, and agree on how it will work for them. If you decide to have an open relationship without discussing all the details with your partner, then of course there will be problems. but if you honestly discuss everything and work on the issues together, you can maintain a good relationship. Agreeing to "see" other people while still remaining a couple can be a problem, but as long as both partners have discussed everything in detail and are in complete agreement, I don't see how it can be a problem.
...as long as both partners have discussed everything in detail and are in complete agreement, I don't see how it can be a problem.

Well said.

My partner and I are in an open relationship. It's only brought us closer together, physically and emotionally. We talk about *everything* and if one of us is unhappy, we work together to fix it. We've been together 8 years and going strong.

The most important thing is communication.

From a biological perspective, monogamy on the whole is pretty impractical. There are varying degrees of monogamy - life partnerships, serial monogamy (marry-divorce-marry again, etc), flings, and one-night-stands. One mold doesn't work for everyone.
Open Relationship

It is not me wanting an open relationship. It could be married couple, bf/gf, or companions who are into open relationship. I am curious about pros and cons on open relationship. Or anyone on AD had experiences in open relationship. Like/Dislike. Debate!

I think there's alot goin on ther. It it is a marriage, absolutely not. it is wrong and against Gods' Values. If it is just bf/gf i would still say no. first of all a relationship is about investing your heart and emotions and your everything into another person. if one or the other start opening that space up to other people than the subject of trust will be extremely violated, and if there is anytype of love there, trust will be violated and is the one most difficult subject to regain in anytype of a relationship. so absoultely Not!. but it the thought is in the persons heart it is obvious that there is some type of unhappiness in an area maybe not willing to discuss, and is looking for a way out. it married, seek professional counseling, if it is just a bf/gf you need to figure out if this person is the right person for you. if not, and time will tell, than get out of it in a loving way, and move on.