Has anyone used custom earmould/plugs as a treatment for CAPD?


Active Member
Apr 6, 2009
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I no that they are used as a treatment for things like autism
Has anyone used them as for CAPD?
What do I mean?
Our most popular Custom Hearing Protection for maximum protection. It is designed as a full-concha earmold for maximum retention in the ear. This earmold is used for all types of industry and recreational activities including shooting, race car driving, woodworking, etc. The Sentinel is a good choice when attenuation is the most important requirement and ability to communicate is not as important. Industrial Earmolds - Bernafon Canada Ltd.


Musicians Earplugs are designed to replicate the natural response of the open ear. Sound heard with these earplugs has the same quality as the original, only quieter. The result is that speech and music are clear - you still hear the blend clearly, feel the bass, and distinguish each tone. Medical Earmolds - Bernafon Canada Ltd.
Ok had moulds done today audi wants starkey he had never done coloured before
ok i can see why some people think audis are parasites ok i asked for a deep mould and i get mould suit able for mild loss ive got an appointment with clown next tuesday
My older daughter has CAPD. This is first time I heard of using earmold for it. The sources you provided at the top are very bias. Can you tell me why you think (or who told you) it might help?
The moulds I have at moment are working to some degree but they are not as deep as I asked for :mad: back on thursday to what paid for
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My older daughter has CAPD. This is first time I heard of using earmold for it. The sources you provided at the top are very bias. Can you tell me why you think (or who told you) it might help?

Audiology treatment - Google Books

APD - Is there an anti-hearing aid??? - The Haven

bare in mind i have following

Integration Deficit: Deficiency in the ability to perform tasks that require intersensory or interhemispheric communication. Reflects delayed or abnormal interhemispheric communication. Deficiency in ability to coordinate multimodal inputs.
Keyword: They do not "synthesize". "It's too much".
Key CAF findings: excessive left ear suppression on dichotic listening tasks, can't label auditory patterns but can mimic them.

Key behaviors: trouble knowing "how to" do some task, tends to "watch and wait", poor starter, poor transitions, needs more time; lots of "I don't know", "I don't get it" or "I have no idea". Variable trouble in noise. Variable impact on communication. Academic effects in reading recognition, spelling, writing skills, other integrative tasks.

Other considerations: spelling- tend to spell phonetically not by the rules, the alphabet - can "sing" the alphabet but struggles to "say" it, digit span tests- tend to have more trouble with digits reversed, memory tests- difficulty with sentences - better on word memory

Key management strategies:
child may perform MORE poorly when visual information is added, they may need to look OR listen or look THEN listen
DO make sure that visual cues MATCH the auditory target and DON'T compete with it
DON'T EVER rephrase to a child with Integration Deficit, it will just confuse them
DO repeat the information with an associated visual cues, demonstration, or model
bothered by "noise" as a function of the TASK DEMANDS, not necessarily the level of noise, so change demands or remove child to quieter environment, especially for tests
require an experiential, structured, "hands-on" environment, lots of examples, multimodal inputs given one at a time
must know task demands up front
untimed tests
consider Latin or Hebrew for foreign language requirement
use tape recorder, notetakers, books on tape, study guides, CliTs Notes
intervention focuses on academic and speech-language impact as needed and appropriate remedial programs include Orton, Lindamood-Bell, Wilson, and similar
"Bottom-up'-type activities that enhance development of interhemispheric skills include those that stimulate transfer of function, ability to extract key information, do "parts-to- whole" (synthesize). Examples: dance, music, juggling, karate, gymnastics, Bopit, Scrabble, Boggle, UpWords, Rummy and other card games, Rummy-Q, Top it, Brain Warp, Simon and Simon Says, Chess, Video games with pattern puzzles, "feely bag"
Pair OT-type activities with verbal tasks

Output-Organization Deficit: Deficiency in the ability to organize, sequence, plan, or recall appropriate responses. Difficulty on tasks requiring efficient motor path transmission/motor planning. May be behavioral manifestation of impaired efferent function or planninglexecutive function deficit.
Keyword: They can't "get it back out".
Key CAF results: poor performance in noise, target reversals, ordering problems, omission of target/substitution with previously heard word.

Key behaviors: disorganized, impulsive, poor planner. Deficits in expressive language, articulation, syntax. Educational problems: direction following, note-taking, remembering assignments.

Other considerations: free vs. directed recall tasks - tend to perform much better with free recall than with directed recall tasks

Key management strategies:

needs training and practice in the rules for organization
break info into smaller units, use tag words
use outlines, checklists, assignment notebooks, computers
use activities with specific order
teach verbal rehearsal, information chunking, use of mnemonics, metacognitive strategies, visual imagery and visualization.
may need speech-language intervention for expressive speech-language skills
may need academic TX for study, note-taking and test-taking strategies
consider ALD for attentiveness
use games that emphasize sequence, order, rules, planning: Alphabet games, drama, follow the leader, Bopit, Topit, Brain Warp, Freddie Fish, memory games, Scrabble, chess, Battleship, model building, cooking


Prosodic Deficit: Deficiency in ability to use prosodic features of target. Believed to reflect inefficient
right hemisphere function.
Keyword: Subtle problems. It's all "too fast". "blah, blah, blah, something".
Key CAF lindings: poor labelling AND mimicking of temporal patterns. Poor temporal integration. Reflects poor gestalt pattern recognition skills - unisensory in this case.

Key behaviors: pragmatic language problems including trouble with non-verbal cues, e.g., facial expressions, body language, gestures, sarcasm; heteronyms, expressive speech may be monotone, poor rhythm perception. Possible deficits in music. Variable academic impact. Part of the cohort of behaviors of nonverbal learning disability.

Other considerations: The Alphabet Song - song off-key or off-tempo music & musical cues - doesn't like music or can't "carry a tune"
multisyllabic production - "trips" over multisyllabic words or leaves syllables out

Key management strategies:
requires animated teacher with a melodic voice, lots of demonstration/examples, multisensory inputs and additional visual cues
change rate, pacing of speech, emphasis on key words
untimed tests
may require speech-language TX for pragmatic and nonverbal language, rhythm perception, prosody training
for academic intervention, consider Lindamood-Bell or Wilson
consider music TX and/or social work services (for social language)
use games/activities similar to those for poor integrator including singing, Math Rap, Schoolhouse Rock, Bopit, sing-along tapes/videos, books on tape, activities that work on pattern recognition (auditory, visual, or tactile) and symbolic language, listening to color, "soap" operas, dramatic arts.
Keep in mind: It's not just the perception of the timing cues for these children, it's what those cues MEAN.
Check for similar problems in other modalities - difficulty reading facial expressions or problems with tactile patterns
Check for NVLD


Get NO benefit from air conduction aids or fms
Get a tiny bit of benefit from bone conduction headphones for listening music keen to try bone conduction aids
my earmoulds


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What my earmoulds do for me is make speechreading (lip reading with speech)easier i cant read lips and dont understand through sound alone.